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lizellsupdates: via liz's story : looks like lizzy is having a fun time with her best friend Perry! We love to see!♡♡

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lizellsupdates: via liz's story : looks like lizzy is having a fun time with her best friend Perry! We love to see!♡♡

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(Credit to cloudyboca for the lizellsupdates)

Perry's pov:

After I took the lovely photo of me ans liz I posted it and put a caption as "spa day every day". I think it's a very good caption . The lift is finally on the floor we are on and WOW it's so amazing. We had our own room like a hotel but not quite . It was a room yes but it was a spa room. With a bath , mud bath , face masks , massage and more. This was worth 3.5k . I'm so impressed.

I was a bit annoyed as my phone kept going off so I decided to check my notifications while liz explored the room. I look at my insta notifications and see something that made my heart drop for some reason. Harry liked and comment on my post again . This time he commented "wow damn". What the fuck does he want know. Oh my God I can't tell liz about this. She cant know. It would ruin her day and I cant let it happen . I will tell her a other day or maybe never .

She runs up to me with a huge smile and a wine bottle in her hand while jumping up ans down. She looked so happy I cant ruin that. I smile back ans ask her: " wanna get massaged and then go in the tan era then mud bath and face masks?" She nodded slowly . She gave me a confused look. Shit I must of looked pale because I turn so pale when I am worried . "Is there something wrong?" She asked me " no I'm fine now let's go" I replied back. She nodded and left to change . Phew that was close omg I need to calm down and pretend that didnt happen.

Lizzys pov:

We go inside the room and it's so amazing and big and wow. I'm so shocked. I can't belive I was there. Perry's phone was blowing up . Her post must of done well which I am proud of. "I'm going to look around the room pers" I shout as I walk in the first bit. "Okay have fun" she shouted back.

I walk in the first bit and it was the massage room. It was HUGE. It had pink sheets and it had a very princessesy theme. I loved it a lot. There were some chocolate covered strawberries , bon bons, tea and juice . It actually looked so good . Ahh but I have to wait until we go there.

I walk into the next one and it has the mud bath there and it looked so amazing I wanted to eat it not gonna lie. This had a royal theme and it was red and it looked like something the queen would have in her castle. It had a ton of snacks and alcohol so we could get wasted . I love the idea of that heheh. There was also a ton of fact masks to choose from . The green mocha one was the one for me yup.

Now the tan area. This had a white theme and it looked so gorgeous and soft. I was absolutely in love with it. It also had some gold . There was a mirror with some gold on it. Holy shit it was actually so cool. I felt so special at that moment. And then I spotted the wine but it was not just your ordinary wine. It was special and it brought back many memories. It was the mine and Harry's one. I sighed and picked it up and remembered I had to tell Perry what I was gonna do tomorrow . I completely forgot to tell her. She doesn't know about mine and Harry's wine thing so its good. I started to pretend I am happy to see the wine and run over to her with a big smile.

I Jump up and down like a puppy in front of her but something was off. She looked very pale . She looks pale when ever shes worried . I stopped jumping and gave her a confused look. She snapped out of it was back to acting normal. I knew something was up so I asked her. "Is there something wrong?"
I asked softly " no I'm fine' she replied back. I knew something was wrong. We decide to get massaged first so we go there and but before that I drag her in the tan room bathroom to take a selfie. I posted it on my story.

(Skip to mud bath)

As me and Perry were relaxing there was some awkward silence between us. I wanted to break it but then I remember I was ment to tell her something. I turn to her and look at her with a scared face . She shoots me a confused look . I take a deep breath and put my wine glass down and finally tell her.

"Perry I'm going to London tomorrow "...

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