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Harry's pov:

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Harry's pov:

I'm walking home from the park. The walk was very relaxing and for once I felt happy. I make my way out of the lift and to my door. Shit I forgot my key. How am I ment to get inside. I dont want freezy to see me. Fuck. I have no other choice but to call him. I turn on my phone and I look at my missed calls , 20 missed calls from freezy . Shit he must of noticed me being gone . I decide to give the poor boy a call back , asking him to let me in our apartment.

He picked up straight away and opened the door. I stood there kinda ashamed and embarrassed that I was too scared to even tell my own best friend I left the house. I look down and slowly walk in. Freezy had his worried and confused look.

Freezy: hey harold where did you go?

I didn't answer back,I was quiet and started walking up the stairs.

Freezy: harold I'm speaking to you where did yo-

All of a sudden I felt angry. I felt my whole body heat up with anger. Why did he want to know. And before I knew it I started to let the anger get the best of me.


I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and went I'm my bedroom slammed the door , locked it and curled up into a ball . I hate myself. Why did this always have to happen . Why did my anger always have to take over me.i feel so bad . I shouted at freezy when all he was doing is trying to help his best mate. I feel like a proper dick head . Lifes been hard the past few months. How can I still not be over her. I should be. I guess I loved her too much. I dont know what to do. I hate emotions and I always hated showing them. People never understand me. I guess I feel like a nobody sometimes. I have done so much damage to myself all because of 1 girl,who I thought was the love of my life. It sucks I guess. I hate love.

It's been about a hour after me loosing my anger and I calmed down a bit. I still felt like a fucking dick tho. I take my phone and take a selfie and post it on Instagram. I need to be more active there and with my fans. Then I sroll on there for about 10 minutes . I got bored of my home page and decided to look on my explore one. I scroll down and see this one post that caught my attention. It was like a dinner date at home in a sky building . It looked soamazing. I wish I had someone to do that with. I sigh and look at the username and my heart drops . Perry sunkins , the best friend of Lizzy Ells,one of my ex girlfriends , who I cheated on and left for Katie. I felt my heart sink. I havent seen in 2 whole years. After our break up she left London and never came back. She didnt tell anyone she was leaving too. I felt butterflys in my stomach. But wait, was she on a date with her best friend. No she couldn't have been. I mean I know shes bi but I also know she wouldn't date her best friend. Surely not. But why did I care oh well exactly I dont. I decide to comment something, nothing too much. I hope Perry shows her the comment. I started to type and I got nervous but ended up pressing post . I feel even more nervous now. I shouldn't be it's just a comment. It's really late now so I'm going to bed....

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