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lizells: my everything ❤6

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lizells: my everything ❤
6.8 mil likes   900k comments
17th May 2017                  

Harry's pov:

I hope her and Perry weren't too weirded out by the comment. I dont even know why I commented. Did I miss her? That question was stuck in my head and I couldn't even answer it. She looked so peng tho. I dont know what's wrong with me. Its probably just me still being drunk even tho its 7 PM .I feel so guilty now leaving her for Katie. What did I even see in Katie . I guess she got her ways to tricking me and making me fall in love. I was so young and stupid back then but so dangerously in love. I dont know why I am bothering myself to think of her when shes probably not even thinking of me and she probably forgot about me and moved on to someone better than me . Someone more attractive , smart , handsome and funny. I think I have lost my mind.

I lay around in bed just thinking about her and other things and the stuff and where me and her would have been if it wasnt for me being a dickhead and leaving her. Me and her would have probably been engaged by now and it would have been our 6th year together . We also might of have had kids. A mini me and mini her running around our house while she cooked breakfast and I played games with one of our little boys. Now that's what I want was my future. We would have had thr best wedding ever. She would have had a big puffy dress with a real tiara on her head , her hair in a messy bun , light makeup looking like a real goddess. Her dad would have walked her down the isle as all my friends and family were there. I would have been the happiest ever. Then a year later we would have a boy and girl . The kids and me and her would have been in the kitchen making cookies, messing around , being silly but having so much fun. It seemed like the perfect life. But sadly that was just a thought .

I sighed almost tearing up and picked up my phone. I remember she blocked me ages ago so I need to use my secret account that no one knows about. I press the search button and scroll down to the one photo she didnt delete of me and her as it was her 4th most liked post ever on her account. It was the day she put out her first album , Baby I . I remember I was in the studio ever day with her , helping her record and hyping her up. That was the final day and she was relieved but also kinda upset that she wont be there for a long time. She kissed me and jumped on me and jj took the photo of us as he also helped her set up her career and helped with her album cover. I was beyond proud of her that day. I still am. Shes now on her 4th album called , REM . It's like a very dreamy and relaxing album. A type to make you relaxed when your stressed. Shes doing so well , she hit 38 mil followers . I'm still stuck at 23 mil but its because I'm not ever active. Im so happy for her. It looks like she hasnt moved on tho even tho it's been 2 whole years.  Shes probably over me but shes not dating anymore, unless shes keeping it a secret.  I hope not. Oh well.

As I put my phone to charge I lay on my back and let my body take control of me and slowly drift away to sleep ..

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