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lizellsupdates: lizzy was spotted at the airport! We wonder where shes going!❤40k likes      3k commentsTags: lizells

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lizellsupdates: lizzy was spotted at the airport! We wonder where shes going!
40k likes 3k comments
Tags: lizells

Lizzys pov:

I hear my alarm clock go off and the sound was so annoying. I slowly roll out of bed and check the time. It was 2 am. I had to be by the airport by 3:40 . My flight was at 5 . I get up and take a look in the mirror. I looked like a mess , but I didnt care at all , not one bit because I'm finally moving out. I got up finally. I put my hair in a bun and went for a shower. I was so nervous of what the boys would think of me coming back after 2 years. Good thing the girls havent told anyone, I hope. After about 15 minutes of being in the shower I got out and wrapped a towel around my wet body. I put my fluffy slippers on and go over to the mirror. I start to do my makeup but just light makeup as I dont want to be sweating during the flight . After about 10 minutes I finish my makeup and I walk over to the empty closet and find the clothes I left last night that I was going to travel with. It was a black tank top and a fluffy unicorn onesie. I got so excited to wear it I was like a little kid in a toy shop after her mummy got her the toy she wanted. I put my outfit on and grab the heels I left and placed them at me door. I tie my hair in 2 messy space buns and let the rest of my hair down. I looked pretty comfy . I was going to change into slippers when I go on the flight but for now I'm in heels. I pick up all my bags and bring them down 2 by 2 and wait for one of my other friends, Kelly, to pick me up and help with the bags.

I make myself some nutella and toast and eat it whole scrolling on Instagram. Then it hits me. I had harry blocked and I needed to unblock him. I quickly search up his user and press unblock but I dont follow him , not until me and him meet again.

(Skip to airport sorry I got lazy)

As I enter the airport there are already flashing lights and paparazzi. Already a million questions about Perry. Like I dont care about her. I got sick of it but j cant snap like last time . "Okay all of you listen to me , please stop asking me about Perry , mine and her friendship is over for good . Stop asking me questions now . Shes a bitch dont believe her and let her manipulate you. Have a good day lads" I say as i stick both my middle fingers up at the camera. They kept on following me but airport security stopped them shortly and as they should. I'm actually so sick and fed up of it. Life for me actually sucks right now. Perry's fandom is attacking me and telling me to me to k!ll myself . Fucking hell my feet hurt from these heels. I met a few fans and I got asked questions but I didnt answer them. Overall all of them were nice.

After about 40 minutes it was time for me to go over and board the flight to London. I felt a bit scared as the flight might crash but there is a low chance of that happening. I start to walk over there and it was so crowded. So many families, kids,friends , married couples etc. Like wow everyone wants to go London that bad? Anyways it was my turn and I had the fast pass so I could get on quicker. The lady checked my passport and ticket . I was done finally and I started to walk to the plane . People were taking pictures of me but it was okay that always happens. I start to walk up the stairs and then all of a sudden I trip and fall backwards. Luckily a girl , about my age , catches me . Then she helps me up "sorry about that" I say as I get up "Its okay Haha maybe dont wear heels here" she said as she walked behind me . "I wont I will change into slippers on the plane " I reply back as I'm looking for my seat . "What's your seat number?" She asks me while shes looking for hers. "Its wait um... B14" I reply back as I put my ticket away. "Oh my God no way we are next to each other! I'm B13! EEEKKK!" she squeals . I was actually kinda happy not gonna lie she seemed like a nice lady and plus I made a new friend. " OMG YES I CAN SIT NEXT TO SOMEONE NICE" I say excitingly. We go to our seats and put our backpacks away and put our seatbelts on.

It was 15 minutes until everyone was seated and now it was finally time to start to flight up. I got a bit nervous and I for some reason the lady I met , called Annie , noticed and held my hand. I faced her and she smiled so I smiled back I guess. She was super sweet. Oh and there it was the plane was speeding up to fly and my heart was racing so much. I got sweaty and all. Annie was fine by all that and she didnt even move 1 bit. Wow I was surprised. We were finally in the air now and for some reason I still had a bit of data and there was a pretty sunset so I decided to post on Instagram fast.


lizells: London baby ❤❤3

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lizells: London baby ❤
❤3.5 mil likes 100k comments

After I posted that me and annie talked for the whole flight . She told me she was 22 and that she worked at some makeup studio but she wanted a new life in London so she decided to leave it all for London. I told her everything that happened to me and she told me she had a boyfriend that did the same thing to her. Poor girl. When the food came we ordered so much snacks and drinks. I decided to record since I didnt post a lot anyways it would be a good mukbang video . We ate a lot and then we went to sleep for a bit. It was an 11 hour flight so it was pretty long. We woke up by the time we got there and we got off and we got each others insta and snaps. We hugged goodbye and hoping to see each other soon. Then I got to the airport, got my bags and when I went to look for talia I saw someone else I wasnt ment to see but I was happy too for some reason...

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