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lizellsupdates: deleted via lizs feed.
We miss them so much:((
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Tags: wroetoshaw, lizells

Lizzys pov:

As I open the door to which will now be my old home I get a text notification and check it almost straight away. It was from the girls group chat and talia said I could stay at hers for a bit until I find a apartment which wont be too hard. I sigh and take my coat and shoes off and start to walk to my room. I have my suitcase under my bed so I pull it out . Holy shit I haven't seen it in ages. It was marble with my initials on it and that was the one talia got me and the other girls for one of our holidays. Oh those good old days. I wish I could go back. Anyways I was getting distracted and I got to my closet and bring the suite case in with me. I had a big walk in one with led lights all over the sides giving it a magical and relaxing vibe. I'm going to miss it but it is what it is.

After about 30 minutes I run out of space to put clothes anywhere . Shit. I only had 1 suite case . This ment that i had to find new one in town. I was literally so lazy and tired but I had to go get it otherwise I wouldn't have all my clothes . I change into a pretty dress and put some heels on , take my car keys and leave to go to my car. As I was walking I saw Perry's car pull up. Fucks sake I didnt wanna see or speak to her. She parked next to mine which I have to sell soon. I roll my eyes as she gets out her car. She looks at me with no emotion. I couldn't tell if she was mad,happy,upset or annoyed. She comes up to me and tries to speak but I shut my door , not even looking at her ans start my car. I dont care about her. She can do what ever she wants, she was such a bitch to me I cant forgive her.

I park in a parking space and get out my car . It was such a sunny day so I decided to put my sun glasses on . I start to walk to a shop and find atleast 4 suit cases. As I'm walking down the streets paparazzi sees me and runs coming up to me. Fucking hell . There was so many lights flashing and all over them were questioning me. "Are you and Perry still friends?" One of them asked me. I got sick of being asked that as everyone after that started to ask. " no we are not so fuck you Perry " I answer back and stick my middle finger up and walk off . Everyone was left shocked by me response . I didnt care because all I wanted was to literally go to a shop and not be asked a million questions.  Paparazzi really cant mind thier own business its so annoying like I can have a private life too. I finally get to the shop and I have more people coming up to me. They were all fans asking for pictures which I agreed to because I loved to meet fans. But there was one girl that looked extra upset and had bangs under her eyes. She also looked left out. I notice her and walk past the other girls who were screaming. I kneel down to the little brunette girl. "Hey are you doing okay?" I ask her and smile. She looks up to me and just nods. "I dont believe you. Come here" I tell her and open my hand for her to hold it. She holds it and I take her outside. "Why are you going with lizzy?" One of the girls asked. "Mia get back here and leave her alone. You dont deserve to meet her" an other one said. That's when I lost it. "Um excuse me girls do you want me to unfollow your accounts? If not then stop being so mean to her I'm checking up on her and leave her alone" I say very loudly. They all give me a dirty look. I take the girl which is called Mia outside. "Hey I'm so sorry they are doing that to you. You deserve better. Also tell me what's wrong I want to help you" I say . She looks up to me and says "Its family problems and them. I'm forced to be friends with them because of my mom. All thier moms and my mom are best friends and I have to hang out with them and if I dont my mom beats me up." She says sadly. At that moment my heart hurt. Poor girl she actually deserves better . I hold her arm and she says ouch in pain. I look at her confused . "Oh sorry it's just it hurts there." She says feeling guilty. I take my hand off and then it hits me why it hurts . I pull up her hoodie sleeve and she tried to stop me but I saw it. She had scars . Cut scars. Oh my God poor girl for real. She was cutting herself. I look at her and she had tears in her eyes. I look at the scars and start to lean in and kiss them gently. "Please never do this again . I love you so much and never give up. You have so much to live for just remember that. Also tell your mom how they are treating you. You deserve so much better and please please please stop doing it. If you feel like no one cares remember I care. And so many others do aswell. Your so amazing and sweet . I love you so much come here" I say as I pull her into a hug. She started to cry and I started to tear up too. No one should go through this. We pull out the hug after about 5 minutes. I follow her on Instagram and she leaves and I go back inside and buy the things I need and go back to packing at home.

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