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           liz.ells: purrr 🐆
❤️1.2 mil likes 30k comments
tags: taliamar

Lizzys pov:

After a very eventful night of sobbing and rewatching the notebook with talia , she sat up and looked at me.

"What?" I asked her giggling. "Liz , Simon just texted me saying JJ wants you to come to the sidemen 10 year anniversary par-" and before she could finish I cut her off "No way I'm going , he will be there." My head started to spin just thinking back to him. "Liz he isn't going. He's confirmed he will not be attending for a while." She said looking at me with a slight smirk. "But what will the fans say-" I said my voice slightly shaking. "Don't you worry about that , they have a whole plan behind the scenes, so now what do you say to a party?" The way she was smirking made it impossible to say no. "Okay okay fineeee I'll come." I said throwing my head behind. "YESSS I CANNOT WAIT WE HAVE TO GET U A BOMB ASS OUTFIT TOMORROW OH MY GOD." Talia exclaimed as she stood up on the sofa jumping and before I knew it she's dragged me up with her and we were jumping up and down , giggling and being girls.

"Oh and before I forget let me add you to the gc with everyone in it , just so you don't miss anything." A gc? I missed a lot wow.

talia 😝🫶🏼 added you to "Famalam😈"

"Famalam , oh my god you children" I laughed as I walked to my bed room"
"Heyy it was jj's idea not mine"

Me: heyyy guys

Jj 🫶🏼: yo lizzz

Vik🥹: about time you got added on here

Freezy 😝: heyyy


Josh🙏: hello there lizzy

Ethan😂🫶🏼: Ello Ello

Simon😒😂: fancy seeing you here liz

Harry.: what time is the shoot on Wednesday?

Jj🫶🏼: yo man do you think this is the right time to be asking that question

Harry.: it's only a question mate calm ur balls

Jj🫶🏼: bruv watch who you talking to

Harry.: oh please jj stop acting tough you ain't shit

Vik🥹: how about we calm down yeah? Liz just got in the gc let's not start anything up

Jj🫶🏼: for the sake of Liz I will stop

Me: thank you jj😉😉


Me: HEY GEE!! it's so good to talk to all of you but I'm heading to bed now , bye bye "famalam"😂😂

I close my phone and put it on charge. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

As the alarm goes off , I look at the time. 6.40am. Too early. As I was about to turn off the alarm I hear a voice. "RISE AND SHINEEEE" talia says as she walks into my room. "Wake up girl it's party dayyy" I cover my eyes with my head "it's too early tal" I moan. "It's never too early come on , we have to go to the salon and spa and the makeup artist" I sat up. "Sorry what? I was not aware of this. How have u booked all of that in like 10 hours?" I asked , confused because that's impossible, especially in London. "Let's just say I pulled a few strings" she winked at me. This girl , I loved her.

Fast forward (sorry) the time was 7:30 and I was getting the last few details on my outfit. I went all out , thanks to talia. This was way out of my comfort zone but it felt good. "The limo is on its way Liz so be ready" talia shouted from the bathroom as she was putting on her final details on too. Yes a limo was coming for us , I know fancy and all. After about 10 minutes it came and we walked down the stairs , arms linked and all of a sudden the pre shots were starting to hit me.



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                  liz.ells: happy 10 years boys ;)
                 ❤️2.8 mil  likes  35k comments
                               tags: sidemen

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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