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lizells: " cus baby I'm jealous "3

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lizells: " cus baby I'm jealous "
3.4 mil likes       90k comments
Tags: taliamar , sidemen

Lizzys pov:

Its 8 am in the morning and I'm sitting in the kitchen enjoying a bowl of cereal while I scroll on Instagram and wait for the sleepy head talia to make up. My feed is a bit boring so I decided to go look through some fan edits and re post some and comment on some. I'm so grateful for my fan base. Awh all these edits were so cute and creative. It's crazy how many people support me.

It was about 20 minutes of me scrolling and liking and watching all the fan edits then I heard a door open which made me turn my head and look to see none other that miss mar herself. She had messy hair and her make up was all messed up as she walked down to me and sat in the chair next to me.

"Good morning liz" she yawns loudly causing me to laugh a lot. "Hey sleepy head how did you sleep" I ask as I look at her dead in the eye. "Fucking bad to be honest I could bearly sleep as I had this nightmare. " she says as she hides her face in her arms slowly. Poor tal I hope her nightmare goes away. I hug her and rub her back slowly.

"Want some food or anything?" I ask as she lifts her head up. She just nods and says that she wanted some bacon .

I made her some bacon and she sat down and ate it while I was still looking at fan edits . I saw a edit of me and talia so i decide to show her.

"Hey talia look at this edit" I tap her shoulder as she turns while chewing the bacon. She smiles and finishes her bite. "That edit is really cute send me it " and I do as she says.

After that we sit on the sofa and I go on my phone again because talia was in the kitchen. I dont know what we were gonna do today .

"Hey liz so I have to tell you something" talia says as she sits next to me which made me put down my phone and nod. "So I was wondering if you wanted to be in a sidemen video since one of the girls for the 20 women vs Ethan couldn't make it today and I think you would be perfect for it so what do you say?" . I was shocked . Should I go I dont know. "I mean I dont know if the boys exactly wanna see me anymore after what happened " I said as I looked down. "They will be. They all missed you so much and mentioned you. Come on it will be fun"

It was a few minutes of Me thinking then I decided I will do it since I do miss the boys and it will be fun i guess. "Okay then I'll go" i say as i smile at talia . She squeals and grabs my arm and drags me into my room to choose an outfit. I put my hair in a ponytail and do light makeup.

After about an hour I was ready and so was talia so we headed to the studio. I was dead nervous as I got in the car.

"Hey talia can we play some music " I say. "Duh put any song you want on" she replies back. I connect my phone to the car thing . I decide to play one dance by drake .

Me and talia were all siging and dancing. Luckily the studio was about 10 minutes away from us. It was a short but fun car ride. It made me take my mind off all the bad things that could happen.

We were finally there and I step out and fix my outfit and hair. Talia just laughs at me and I stick my tounge out at her.

We enter the building and talia goes infront of me as I walk behind her , dying slowly. We got to the room where they were recording at. There goes my anxiety .

"Hey boys " talia says. "We got a special guest that's gonna be in today's video, lizzy ells" shit shit shit . "Enter then" she whispers. Fucking hell there goes nothing . I go in and not even 15 seconds in I'm already attacked my hugs from jj.

Not many people know but me and jj were very close friends before I left since I knew him since year 10 when him and Simon were friends. He was a really good friend and harry would get very jealous when ever me and jj would hug and it seems bad but there was nothing between me and him we were just close friends.

I hug him back then Simon and the others come and hug me while harry stood next to talia just watching us.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT I MISSED YOU LIZ" jj shouts.  "I missed you too jj" I say as I hug him tighter . "Liz I never knew you were gonna come back after all that happened " vikk said as he hugged me . "Well I guess times do change a lot huh" "well we are glad your back" tobi says happily. I hug tobi. "We all missed you liz" Ethan says. "Ethan I see your still single and now your doing this 20 women thing" "Well yeah I havent had the best of luck in the love department but that dosent mean I will be single forever " I just laugh and then hug him. I can see at the corner of my eye harry looking a bit pissed but I dont care. Then I walk over to Josh . "Wow you have gotten shorter " he teases. "Hey you have gotten way too tall no fair" I laugh. "So how has freya been I miss her so much I need to meet up with her" I ask Josh. "She has been good and she wont stop talking about you and how much she misses you". "Tell her I miss her too" I say and hug him. Then it was Simon "hello there long lost best friend who left me" "stoppp I'm sorry about that Simon " "I'm joking of course but I missed you liz my bestie " he says in a girly voice that sounded like talias and hr hugged me tightly . Talia made the offended face and everyone but harry laughed. After that harry was the only one left I needed to talk to. I walk over and just awkwardly hug him. Everyone was just looking but didnt say anything . We pulled away quite fast.

"Alright should we start this video or-?" Josh asks. We all nod and the video starts. I waited for my turn I was at the start of the video so I didnt have to wait long.

The video was so much fun to film we all laughed a lot and I couldn't wait to see it on thier channel.

"Well that was fun guys thanks for having me" I say "no probs you made the video a ton more better liz" jj says . "Okay me and talia will be going to lunch then home now so bye see yall soon mwah" I say as everyone says bye.

That was a fun way to spend my 1st day back in London.

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