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wroetoshawnews: a fan took this photo of harry hugging lizzy? Many fans think they are back together! ❤10k likes    900 comments

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wroetoshawnews: a fan took this photo of harry hugging lizzy? Many fans think they are back together!
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Harry's pov:

"ANDDDD GOOD BYE BOYS" I say as I end the video. I was so tired after that it was about 6 PM. I also did a sidemen shoot that day. My legs hurt so bad. I needed a very big break. I turn my computer off and get off my chair and stretch for a bit. I cringe at the sound of my bones cracking . I hated the sound but it felt so good when it cracked. I put a hoodie and some sweat pants on. I jump on my bed and it very cold as I haven't been on it all day. I take my phone off my charger next to my bed on my little table . I check the sidemen group chat with all the boys in it. They were talking about a meme they found of someones reddit . It was dead today on that chat. I go on Instagram and search up lizells and still hope and image she un blocks me.

Then after I see her profile and see she has posts . What. Did she un block me? WHAT. Was this a glitch? Is my phone tripping? I was so confused but happy. What is wrong with you harry? I decide to go downstairs and tell cal what happened.

"Hey cal" I say as I sit next to him on the sofa. "Yo what's up boggo" he replies back. "Um well cal uh just look actually " I reply as he turns his head and I pull out my phone and open Instagram and show him. His face showed a shocked impression. I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. "Um cal hello?" I say. I was nervous at this point. "Sorry I'm just so surprised she did that. Also how did you know?" He said. I can feel my face heating up. "Harryyyy , have you been stalking her" he replies back with a smirk growing on his face. At this point I probably looked like a tomato. "Um maybe " I say and put the hood on me. Cal just laughs then says " check her recent post bog" . Hm maybe I should "okay lemme see her recent , it looks like a airplane " I show cal and when he reads the caption he just gulps and shows my phone screen . Holy fucking shit. Shes coming to London. TODAY?! what the fuck. I don't know how to feel. Did she tell anyone? Wait I remember she was still in contact with talia. I should ask her. "Harry u okay" cal asks . I nod and say "now I have to go somewhere " he just nods slowly then continues watching his TV.

I call talia as soon I get in my room. I was so excited but more nervous and anxious. Talia finally picks up. "Hi what's up harold?" She says while I think chewing on something. "So do u still have contact with lizzy?" I say kinda nervously . "Um yeah why?" She replied back. "Because I saw that shes coming to London today and the flight from America to here is 11 hours and I think you might be picking her up. So can I come?" I say fastly. There was silence then she says " how did you know she was coming today?" "She in blocked me that's why." "What oh God. " I can hear her sigh . "Can I please come that's all I ask for. I will even pay u how much you want" she makes a weird noise . "I dont know harry . I dont know if she wants to see you." "Okay then why did she unblock me?" "Well it could of been an accident but I dont know" "please i beg talia i will do anything just please " . She didnt say anything for a few minutes. "Harry she might get mad at me and I dont want that" "look I beg please all I want to see is the love of my life please I beg" I reply back with tears in my eyes and my voice breaking at the end. "Okay then harry I'll pick you up in 20 minutes " "thank you thank you thank you" I say as I hang up and start to get ready and change into something nicer. After 20 minutes I hear the door bell ring and I open it and she says hi to cal then we leave.

(Skip to airport)

It's been 30 minutes of us wating . Talia was holding a sign that said in fancy pink hand writing "Lizzy Ells" . I was playing with my hands while talia was on her phone texting Simon. I literally couldn't wait anymore and the silence was killing me slowly . I decide to break it. "When will she be here?" I ask kinda annoyed. "Stop acting like a kid harry and wait she will be here any minute now." Talia says.

We wait for a other 10 minutes then that's when I look up and see my princess. Her eyes lit up as soon as she sees me. I tap talia shoulder and she finally looks up. Lizzy runs up to me and wraps her arms around me. She cries in my arms as talia looks at us with a soft smile. I heard a camera click so I thought it was talia but I ignored it. You dont know how much I missed her touch.

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