~17~(IM BACK)

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     liz.ells: :) :) :)
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Lizzys pov:

As me and Harry walked around we caught up so much. I told him all about my music career right now and about the argument me and Perry got into.

"Wait so you and perry aren't dating right?" Harry asked me quietly. "No of course not , I've never seen her like that" I answered back. Why did he think I was dating her? The silence was loud around us. "You know me leaving for London really hurt her and maybe i was too harsh with her" I said as I let out a big sigh and looked away from him. "I get that , leaving your life must of not been easy but , i want you to know how much everyone's missed you lizzy. It was never the same without you , I mean after you left it's like everything around me fell apart" Harry said as he looked at me , his eyes full of tears.

I didn't know what to say. I missed him and everyone else so much I don't think it was good for me to do this. I have to remember how he cheated on me after being together for almost 5 years. How heartbroken I was after that. How much that affected my life. How I left everything behind because of his actions.

"Lizzy please say something" he said , his voice cracking a bit. But the truth was I didn't know what to say. I wasn't ready for this conversation yet , even though I had so many questions I wanted to be answered.

After walking for a while I stopped and sat on a bench facing the river. We didn't say a word to each other and there was a loud silence around us again. I knew in order to move on from the past I needed my questions answered.

"So not to ruin the mood or anything but what did Katie have that I didn't?" I asked him as I turnt to face him. He stayed quiet. "What was it Harold , why did you cheat on me after everything that we went through?" . Once again not a word left his mouth.

Harry's pov:

Things were really awkward between me and lizzy. I didn't know how to fix it but I knew I needed to do something.

As we sat on the bench facing the river , I could tell she was getting deep into her thoughts , she always used to put her legs up and lean her head in whenever she would.

Randomly she turnt to me and said "So not to ruin the mood or anything but what did Katie have that I didn't?" . I didn't say a word. There was no right answer because I didn't know why I cheated. There was no excuse or reason.

"What was it Harold , why did you cheat on me after everything that we went through?" She said now almsot in tears with her voice breaking. I wanted to kiss her then and tell her I was such a stupid idiot for leaving her like that. I wanted to tell her how much i truly loved her and how everything in the past was a mistake and how much I needed her right now, but I couldn't . Not this soon. Not while I'm battling with my own problems.

I burst into tears and when I try to say anything my voice cracks and I cannot say a word to her. I know I need to but I can't.

She gets up and starts to walk away and a apart of me wants to get up and run to her calling her name but I didn't. I let her go again.

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