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"I'm so pleased for you two. It's about time you made an honest woman of her," Amy is at a party and is leaning on a bar next to her friend.

"Amy, about bridesmaids. You've missed quite a few things the last year or two -"

"I'm so totally there. Whatever you need!" she reassures.


"Everyone here loves you. The nurses, the doctors. You're a life-saver, mate, literally," Rory and a fellow nurse are pushing a patient along in a bed, navigating the chaotic hospital.

"Ah, well, thanks,"

"But there are months when we don't see you. And we can't do without you. I want you to go full time,"

"Full time? Blimey. Er,"


Amy and Rory are in bed, sat up and talking "I said yes. I committed,"

"And I committed to being a bridesmaid. Months in advance. Like I know I'm going to be here," Amy says, shocked

"So, the Doctor's God knows where, the cubes aren't doing anything at all. Did real life just get started?"

"I like it,"

"So, do I," Rory admits, looking to his wife.


"Can we go see nanny and grandad?" Alexandra asks as her, Willow and The Doctor sit at the breakfast table, The Doctor glances up but ignores her and Willow just genuinely doesn't hear "Dad?" ah yes, that was new, Alexandra was now eight and decided 'daddy' just wasn't right anymore, so that got his attention.

"I - I think they're busy," he answers

"Can't we go to when they're not busy then?" no response, Willow turns to her daughter

"Your father's a bit upset with them at the moment Hun," she explains, grabbing Alexandra's hand

"Are you upset with them?"

"No," Willow laughs "I miss them too," Willow gives The Doctor a sad look, but before Alexandra can see it, she smiles "Now, what do you say about visiting Vastra and Jenny?"

"Yes!" Alexandra grins.


Decorations are up around the hospital and the radio is playing Christmas music softly in the background

"That's it. Er, Mister Ryan, please"? Rory enters the waiting room and is greeted with the sight of a teenager with bis foot stuck in a toilet.

"Again?" he nods and Rory wheels him away, as they leave a little girl's eyes flash blue, as does the cube she's holding


"Are we at least going for Christmas?" Alexandra asks, holding her mother's hand as they walk through the TARDIS,

"I don't know, do you want to go for Christmas?"

"Yeah!" Willow looks at her daughter and hears The Doctor humming to 'Merry Christmas Everybody', It was still her favourite Christmas tune. Willow thinks for a moment, they could be back in time for the song to finish, and no doubt whatever monstrosity The Doctor was cooking wouldn't be edible and would be disgraceful compared to her parents cooking.

"Okay, come along Miss Watcher-Pond," she smiles and Alexandra laughs before they go in search of a Vortex manipulator. 


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