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The Doctor, Willow, River and Alex step onto where the cap of the pyramid should be.

"What's this?" The Doctor get stop be nosey at some controls "Oh, it's a timey-wimey distress beacon. Who built this?"

"River and I," Willow explains, walking up to the 'time-wimey distress beacon'

"We're children of the TARDIS - we understand the physics," River adds

"But that's all you've got, a distress beacon!"

"We've been sending out a message. A distress calls. Outside the bubble of our time, the universe is still turning, and we've sent a message everywhere,"

"To the future and the past, the beginning and the end of everything," Willow says, slightly proud

"And that message say that The Doctor is dying. Please, please help," Alex explain

"Willow, River! Alex! this is ridiculous. That would mean nothing to anyone. It's insane. Worse, it's stupid. You embarrass me,"

"We barricaded the door. We've got a few minutes," Amy rushes up the stairs, Rory right behind her "Just tell him... Just tell him, Willow,"

"Those reports of the sun spots and the solar flares. They're wrong. There aren't any. It's not the sun, it's you,"

"The sky is full of a million, million voices saying yes, of course we'll help. You've touched so many lives, saved so many people. Did you think when your time came, you'd really have to do more than just ask?"

"You've decided that the universe is better off without you, but the universe doesn't agree..." Willow steps closer to The Doctor, trying to get her point across.

"No one can help me. A fixed point has been altered. Time is disintegrating,"

"We can't let you die -"

"But I have to die!"

"Shut up!" Willow shouts, growing annoyed with The Doctor talking down to her "We can't let you die without knowing you are loved by so many, and so much, and by no one more than me," Willow's eyes are glassy with tears

"Willow, you and I, we know what this means. We are ground zero of an explosion that will engulf all reality. Billions on billions will suffer and die,"

"You think I don't know that? You think I don't care?!"

"Then why're you -"

"Because she'll suffer if she has to kill you!" River interrupts, grabbing her sisters' hand.

"More than every living thing in the universe?" The Doctor asks them both

"Yes..." River answers for Willow as said woman looks away, too ashamed to say it.

"Willow, River... why do you had had to be this? Melody and Willow Pond..." The Doctor looks to Amy and Rory "your daughters. I hope you're both proud,"

"Always," Amy answers quickly

"I'm not sure I completely understand...?" Rory says, clearly very confused

"Oh, um we got married and had two kids and they're them. And Alex is out granddaughter,"

"Okay," Rory seems to accept that quite easily.

"Amy, uncuff me now," The Doctor orders and Amy does as she's told "Okay, I need a strip of cloth about a foot long. Anything will do..." The Doctor grabs his tie "Never mind," Quickly, his bowtie is off and he's passing it to Willow.

"Willow, take one end of this. Wrap it around your hand, and hold it out to me,"

"What exactly am I doing?" Willow still follows his instructions

"As you're told! Now, we're in the middle of a combat zone, so we'll have to do the quick version," The Doctor wraps his side of the blue bowtie around his hand "Captain Williams, say I consent and gladly give,"

"To what?"

"Just say it.... Please," The Doctor looks at him

"I consent and gladly give,"

"Need you to say it too," The Doctor says to Amy, who gives him a confused look "Mother of the bride..."

"I consent and gladly give,"

"Now Willow, I'm about to whisper something in your ear, and you have to remember it very, very carefully, and tell no one what I said,"

"Okay..." He leans in and whispers something quite short in her ear.

"I just told you my name," he lies easily "Now, there you go, Willow Pond. Poppy Watcher," he adds and Willow smiles slightly "You're the woman who married me. And wife, I have a request..." he starts dramatically "This world is dying and it's my fault, and I can't bear it another day. Please, help me. There isn't another way,"

"Then you almost definitely may kiss the bride," Willow smiles through tears

"I'll make it a good one,"

"As you should," The Doctor leans in and Willow grabs his face, kissing him as hard as she can whilst her family cringes in the background.

The clock starts moving forward as the world around The Doctor and Willow disappears, and they're back at the lakeside.

"And you are forgiven, always and completely forgiven,".

"Tick tock goes the clock; he gave all he could give. Tick tock goes the clock, now prison waits for River,"

MEMORIES OF A BROKEN GIRL | {3rd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now