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The room the two women entered is massive and also still white with no people to be seen.

"What the -?" there's a sudden beam of light coming from a panel in the celling

"Welcome to the Twostreams Facility," A pleasant, female voices says

"Er, who are you and why can't we see you?"

"I am the Interface between yourself and the systems of the Twostreams Facility. I will be your guide, your teacher, your friend," An image of a woman appears at a check in desk.

"Welcome to Twostreams. What are your names, please?"



"Amy and Willow Pond," Amy explains

"Welcome, Amy and Willow Pond. I see you're travelling together; we'll be sure to keep you two that way. As residents, you will now have access to all of the entertainment zones inside. For a taste of adventure, why not try the mountain zone, and explore Apalapucia's famous Glasmir Mountains. Or try our roller-coaster zone, authentically modelled on the famous Warpspeed Death Ride at Disneyland, Clom,"

"Clom? Who gave Clom a Disneyland?" Willow mutters

"All that you could wish for and more is through the Departure Gate, provided for you with kindness," the woman ignores her and Amy and Willow continue walking.

"Unexpected visitor. Welcome. Please seek assistance," the interface speaks and a handbot is up ahead.

"Hello? Hey. Oi, wait!" Amy shouts at it and it turns, scanning both her and Willow

"You are carrying unregistered bacteria. Please let me help you,"

"No, I'm not from this world. Your medicine will kill me!"

"I'm not sick!" Willow insists "I'll let you know when I am though!"

"Statements rejected. Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness," it starts advancing towards them with a needle and Amy drags Willow out of the way and behind something.

"No, no, please, I hate needles!"

"Secondary delivery system engaged," Its head opens to reveal a needle gun. It misses both Amy and Willow and more Handbots beam in "Unauthorised infection on check-in, version two two three," Willow gets up and leads Amy as they jump over a counter and get into the service area.

"Unauthorised residents detected," The two women hide by a wall

"This is a kindness. Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness," One of the handbots sees Amy and her and Willow are suddenly running again as the bots keep repeating the same phrases.

MEMORIES OF A BROKEN GIRL | {3rd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now