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Weeks later, and Willow hadn't left her's and The Doctor's bed

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Weeks later, and Willow hadn't left her's and The Doctor's bed. She was exhausted all the time and after her panic attack, the twins seemed to be a bit more...kicky. It wasn't exactly painful, just a bit strange. 

The Doctor had found her, fast asleep on the floor after he'd gone back to the picnic. He'd picked her up and put her to bed and she had basically been on bed rest since then. Alex had asked where her grandparents were over and over and Willow had snapped, leaving The Doctor to explain to her. Willow didn't want to get out if bed ever again. But she needed to do something, needed to visit someone.

Willow gets up out of bed, and manages to make it to her wardrobe, The Doctor was, god knows where, so Willow would have to find her own way there. She wasn't sure if travelling by vortex manipulator was safe while pregnant but well...She'd take that risk.

After she puts some legging and a large, very oversized Beetles' shirt on, Willow puts some flat brown boots on and a grey waterfall coat. She couldn't really expand her style at 28 weeks pregnant, she was well into the third trimester and her back was killing her. 10 more weeks and she'd probably be ready to pop.


Taking a deep breath, Willow knocks on the blue door, trying to keep her emotions in check. She couldn't just start outwardly crying.

The door opens, and Brian Williams stands there "Willow..."

"Hi," Willow tries to smile and Brian is looking at her large belly "Oh yeah..." She'd never got 'round to telling him.

"You're expecting,"

"Ready for two more great grandchildren?" Willow manages to smile

"I think I may have more than three now," Brian steps aside and Willow sees an older gentleman in the hallway, she almost recognised him.

"I uh...I need to tell you something," Willow interrupts, before she loses her nerve, "It's about Rory and Amy,"

"I know," Willow now notices the redness around his eye and across his face.

"How?" Willow feels tears start to pool in her eyes, all the grief rushing back.

"Anthony told me," yet again, he gestures behind him.

"Anthony?" Willow's eyes widen "Like...You ate ants when you were 6 and I called you ant boy for the next two years?"

"They said you'd look a little different,"

"Well..." Willow gestures to her face "A lot different," she steps into the house and gives her brother a hug "Oh my god, this is so strange,"

"You're telling me," he laughs "I grew up with stories of a madman in a box, only to find out my sister who disappeared when I was twelve, can change face an marries him,"

"Hm, fair," Willow isn't even shocked by his age, she was just glad to have some sort of familiarity, something to remind her of her parents and childhood.

"They told me to give these to you," Anthony produces a large book from his briefcase "It's the copies of the family photos and a letter,"

"Oh..." Willow look at the family cursive writing of her mother's where 'Willow' is sprawled on the envelope "Can I -" she gestures to the kitchen.

"Yeah," Willow smiles at her brother and looks back at her grandfather, he smiles back at her and she reminds herself to give him a hug before she leaves.

Once in the kitchen, Willow takes a seat and slowly unseals the letter.


I know this might seem strange and it's strange for us to write. Yes, us, Rory's handwriting has much to be desired, so I'm doing the actual writing.'

Willow smiles when she sees a small 'Oi!' written in the corner, clearly by Rory.

'We write this two year after you're gone. We miss you, not just ginger you that we raised, but older you, who saves the universe and has children of her own. How's Alex? How're the twins? Are they born yet? What're the genders? Have you picked out names? I wish that we knew the answers, but I guess we'll have to imagine the life you're living.

I would ask how The Doctor is, but I know you'll spend every second you can, making sure he's okay. But we want you to be okay as well. What happened isn't you fault, don't be sad because we're gone, be happy because of the life you got to lead, the days you gained with us when you were younger.'

On the side a small note is written "This is far too poetic' . Amy's response is 'I'm channeling my inner writer'. Willow laughs through the tears.

'I don't even know what to write. We just want you to know we love you, and we think about you, The Doctor and Melody every day and we're glad we got to spend over 20 years with you. Whether that was with Poppy, or older you or baby you. Look after yourself, talk to Anthony, look at the photo albums.

We couldn't bring ourselves not to have some sort of memorial to you. Even if you technically went 'missing' and no body was found (obviously), we made a grave for you. Somewhere, in a graveyard just outside Manhattan, next to where our graves are by now, there's a small one next to it. I know it'll be weird knowing you have a grave, but Anthony needed a way to mourn - so did we. He's fourteen now, and he misses you, I think he even misses being called Ant boy.

I don't know what else to say, your father doesn't either. I think there's only one thing left. Goodbye Willow Pond, we love you'

At the bottom, in two different sets of handwriting 'I love you' is written and where it's signed 'Mum and dad' there's a small tear drop and the ink is damaged, not from Willow's tears. 

Willow can't keep it in and she lets out a large sob, crying into her hands "Willow?" Brian enters the kitchen and helps her to her feet, giving her a hug "shhh, shhh, it's going to be okay," he rubs her back and she continues sobbing. It wasn't okay, nothing was okay. But maybe, one day, it would. 


a/n: Goodbye Amelia Pond and Rory Williams. My favourite companions and the characters that made me want to fall in love. 

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