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"You can't die now

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"You can't die now. I know you don't die now...." Amy tells her daughter who was ignoring The Doctor, only talking to her parents who Melody had just saved.

"You've got a schedule for everything. Is that a Scottish thing?" Willow smiles

"But it doesn't make any sense, haven't you got regenerations left?"

"The poison deactivates it...And the Doctor doesn't have enough to help,"

"Doctor, what do we do?" Rory asks the man who was sat silent by his girlfriend, silent tears falling, Rory looks down at Willow "Come on. How do we help you?"

"No one can save her..." The Doctor mumbles, but everyone but Melody ignores him.

"You can't dad," Willow gulps "just got to except I'm going to die the same year Hitler does," Amy and Rory laugh, still looking at her sadly "Anyway, would you two mind if I talk to my sister?" the two nod and walk away, Melody walking forward "Find her. Find River Song and tell her something from me,"

"Tell her what?" Willow gestures for Melody to lean in and she whispers something in her ear, then lets her head fall back "Well, I'm sure she knows..." Melody trails off as Willow stops breathing. She slowly stands up as The Doctor looks over and sees Willow laying there, dead. She was gone, and he couldn't say goodbye properly because he was being selfish. If he'd helped Mels fly the TARDIS, he'd have been able to say goodbye. The Doctor gently holds her face and tears drop onto Willow's body.

"Who's River Song?" Melody asks her parents, who stare at her, tears in their eyes after Willow's death.

"Are you still working?" Amy looks at the machine "Because I'm still a relative. Access files on River Song,"

"Records available," Robot Amy responds

"Show me her. Show me River Song," the robot slowly transforms into River in her prison uniform. Melody stares at herself in shock, tears in her own eyes.

"What did she say? Willow gave you a message for River Song. What was it?" Amy asks as River looks down at her golden hands "What's happening? River, what are you doing?"

"Just tell me. Willow, is she worth it?" Melody asks the room, stepping towards her sister


"Of course, she is!"

"Always..." The Doctor gets out the was as Melody pours her golden regeneration energy into Willow. She slowly opens her eyes

"River? No. What are you doing?!" she asked panicked and Melody shushes her, kissing her forehead

"Hello, sweetie,"


Melody wakes up in a hospital room, Amy is sat next to her "Hey," she smiles down at her daughter

"Hey," Melody responds tiredly "Where am I?"

"You're safe now. Apparently, you used all your remaining regenerations in one go. You shouldn't have done that,"

"Mother, I had to try,"

"I know," Amy smiles

"The Doctor said no-one could save her, but he must have known I could..."

"Rule one," Willow says from the end of Melody's bed, her clothes from before her death on.

"The Doctor lies," The Doctor himself finishes

"She just needs to rest. She'll be absolutely fine," the nurse responds as Melody closes her eyes again, slipping into a dreamless sleep.

"No, she won't," Willow walks around the bed "She will be amazing," she places an identical TARDIS- style diary to her own, on the bedside cabinet. Then leans down, kissing Melody's forehead.


"So that's it, we leave her there?" Amy asks when they're all back in the TARDIS, Willow sat on the jump seat.

"Sisters of the Infinite Schism. Greatest hospital in the universe,"

"Yeah, but she's our daughter. Doctor, she's River and she's our daughter,"

"Amy, I know. But we have to let her make her own way now. We have too much foreknowledge. Dangerous thing, foreknowledge," he glances at the scanner

"What's that?"

"Nothing," he turns it off and walks away "Just some data I downloaded from the Deselect. Very boring,"

"Willow, you and River were trained to kill The Doctor, right?" Rory asks

"Yeah...but then she killed me instead, and then used all her regenerations to revive me. I'd say it was a successful family reunion,"

"But that stuff that they put in her head, is that gone now? The River that we know in the future, is in prison for murder,"

"Whose murder?" Amy adds and neither The Doctor or Willow respond, the silence causes them to laugh and drop the subject "Will we see her again?"

"Oh, she'll come looking for us," The Doctor promises

"Yeah, but how? How do people even look for you?"

"Oh, Pond. Haven't you figured that one out yet?"

[The Luna University, 5123]

A professor is interviewing a prospective student "So then, tell me. Why do you want to study archaeology?"

"Well, to be perfectly honest, Professor, I'm looking for some good people,"


"Doctor?" Rory asks one night, Amy and Willow already in bed.


"Do you know if the stuff they put into Willow's head is gone?" genuine concern is in Rory's voice and The Doctor looks up "I mean, you saw how she was with River. She was better than her. What does that mean?"

"Well, she hasn't killed me yet...though I think she might after today," The Doctor mutters

"And, where is she? We knew Melody was our best friend? What happens to her?"

"I don't know..." The Doctor admits and Rory sighs, him and Amy would just have to treasure the time they have with her now.

Up in Willow's room, she's sat up in bed, looking down at an old photo of Amy and Rory she'd found at Demon's run, Rory's holding a young ginger girl who's playing with her mother's hair. Willow smiles before putting it in her bedside cabinet and turning off the light.

MEMORIES OF A BROKEN GIRL | {3rd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now