Chapter 5: My Roommate's Brother

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Chapter five: My Roommate’s Brother

“What the hell are you two doing?!” Blaze screeched at the top of her lungs. Ryan and I jumped apart at the sound of her voice.

Ryan cleared his throat and began saying,” I was just telling her a secret.” Blaze just burst out laughing. Ryan looked at me apologetically as if saying,” sorry, I’m a horrible liar.”

“You? You have a secret that you haven’t shared with me?” Blaze said through laughs,” Well, let’s hear it!”

“Well, um, I kinda-“ He started before we were interrupted by his phone ringing. He looked at it and said in a relieved tone,” I’ve got to take this. -Hello? Okay, yeah, I’ll be there- see you ladies, I’ve got to get home, band problems, you understand.” At that he walked off leaving me alone with a furious Blaze.

“Now, would you like to tell me what’s really going on here? Or am I just going to have to come up with a reason on my own?” She threatened,” I’m sure my idea will be way more creative.”

“I-“ I started. And honestly, I was going to tell her the truth. Having a rival is one thing, having a roommate as a rival is asking for the death sentence. But I got cut off with George saving me telling us it was time to go back to school. I just hope I can avoid her on the way to and at school.

On the way back to school, I pretended to be engrossed in my phone. I was honestly texting Callie though, she has been texting me frantically since I first got off the plane. I just haven’t had time to text her at all since I got to the school. But I couldn’t keep this up for long, with the time difference, Callie was supposed to be well in bed and asleep. She’s going to be going to school in a couple of hours.

When we arrived at the school building, I hurried inside claiming I had to go pee really bad. I know, horrible excuse, but it gave me a little time to come up with a better excuse to tell Blaze. If worst comes to worst, I’ll feign being asleep and hopes she forgets in the morning. In fact, that’s probably be what I will do.

“Now Riley! You had better tell me what’s going on with you and my br-“Said Blaze coming through our room’s door. She stopped midsentence and I assumed that she thought I was sleeping. “It’s really okay if you like him,” She sighed and I heard her sitting on her bed since it creaked,” I just need to know, I don’t want to be used again because someone wants to be with my brother.”

I almost gave up my façade and told her the truth, but I couldn’t bare it. I could hear the tears in her voice, and decided to drop it. I’ll tell her in the morning. I’ve got to, I don’t want to ruin my first friendship here. Especially if it was my roommate.


I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep until I woke up. I was so deep in thought; I didn’t even notice that everything changed into a dream. Heck, I don’t even remember what I dreamt about.

I sat up in bed and glanced over to where Blaze was still sleeping. I sighed in relief and grabbed my school uniform and all my soaps and hair products. I silently walked into the bathroom to take a shower. When I turned on the water though, I was shocked to find it was freezing cold. Even on hot! Needless to say, I only spent a few minutes in the shower. I hoped to God that I was able to get all the soap out.

By the time I got out of the bathroom, Blaze was already awake and waiting for me. “Bout time you got out,” She said, “I’ve been waiting for like ever!” At that she walked into the bathroom and didn’t come out for a while.

While waiting for her, I decided to look through my English literature book. We were going to be reading a lot of novels by people I’ve never heard of, and many critical essays. I was beginning to think that this class would be even worse than maths.

After about thirty minutes later, Blaze emerged looking gorgeous. She was wearing her simple uniform, like me, but there was something different about how she looked. Kind of, I don’t know, more natural? Yeah, naturals the word I’m looking for. “Ready to go to breakfast?” She asked. I nodded and stood up.

There weren’t very many people in the cafeteria when we arrived. I was kind of confused; it was about seven in the morning. Classes started at eight. Blaze, noticing my confused look said,” Many of the girls don’t eat breakfast, and many of the guys have food snuck into their room so they can sleep in.” So that explains the emptiness.

Then I heard a familiar voice yell out,” Blaze, Riley! Over here!” I glanced over to the direction of the voice and saw Reese and Parker waiting for us at the table we sat at yesterday. After Blaze and I got our trays, we walked over to the table the boys were sitting at. As soon as I sat down, my phone buzzed.

Text from unknown number: Hey beautiful, you look great in that uni ;)

I was hesitant to reply at first, but then I decided that I should at least find out who it is.

Text to unknown number: Who is this?

Text from unknown number: Look behind you ;)

I did as they told me too and saw the unbelievable. Ryan was here! I don’t know why, but my heart was beating hard in my chest and my palms got extremely sweaty.

“Hello beautiful,” He said smiling. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks.

“H-hi,” I stuttered back, completely incapable of sounding like a normal, logical person. Why is this happening to me? I did not expect to fall in love. Especially not this soon.

“Jake, please stop tormenting my roomie,” Blaze said,” Just take a seat, be happy to be back at school for some time.”

“Why are you back bro, not that I don’t mind, but why?” Parker asked.

“Because I’m aiding Mr. Mliner this term.” Ryan said,” it’s the only way I can get in into Julliard in the Americas.”

“That’s cool bro,” Reese said. The rest of the time was just idle chatter until we all went to class.


Well, here's chapter five folks! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry this chapter is kinda dead and dull, but here it is. 

Chapter 6 update: Tonight!

Chapter 6 teaser: The truth

Ciao mah sexy peoples!

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