Chapter Twenty-Is England Really Worth It?

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Chapter Twenty folks!
*Riley's POV*

"Thank you," I said for the millionth time to Reese and Ryan. It had been a week since the incident, and I still couldn't thank them enough. They had saved my life.

"You can stop thanking us Riley," they said in unison for the millionth time as well.

I nodded and snuggled closer to Reese. I could see Ryan smiling and I smiled back.

Thankfully me needing saved brought them both together and they both had bonded over this past week. I threw a piece of popcorn across the couch at Ryan, which he managed to catch in his mouth. We all just laughed. Then there was somebody else laughing and I turned to the door as soon as it opened.


"Oh, I didn't know you were here Riley. I thought you officially lived with that man whore," she said snidely when she saw me.

"Everything okay here?" John said stepping in and wrapping his arms around Blaze's waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Its fine," she said smirking at me then turned around to kiss him."I was just about to see if Riley knew what went down at the bar with Reese after she left with some older guy."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from them and back to Reese and Ryan, completely ignoring her comment. I knee she was bluffing. Reese told me every thing that had happened that night before him and Ryan saved me.

"We still on for tonight?" I asked Reese, who had some secret plans for us tonight that he refused to tell me.

He nodded just as Blaze sneered,"What? Did he finally convince miss high and mighty to screw him?" She laughed and I could tell she was just egging me on.

My blood boiled, and I fought the uncontrollable urge to beat the hell out of her. "Calm down," Reese whispered to me. Ryan came behind me and rubbed my back soothingly. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Oh, so now your with both of them? You are disgusting! Just leave and get your little nasty three some over with!" Blaze said.

"Why don't you just grow the fuck up?" I yelled. "I'm not that kind of person and you know it!"

"Oh really? Is that why you keep leading on my brother?" She egged on. This is really starting to piss me off.

"I'm not leading him on!" I screeched and jumped away from both of the boys before they could stop me. I sprinted at blaze and punched her square in the jaw. I wound my fist up for another punch when I felt someone's arms around me pulling me back.

"You bitch!" She cried, holding onto her jaw. John was trying to calm her down and she pushed him away.

Blaze charged at me and slapped me. "Really? Is that the best you can do?" I sneered. I knew I couldn't get my arms free any time soon with the death grip Ryan had on me, so I kicked her in the stomach.

Blaze doubled over in pain and John was instantly at her side. "Get out," she pleaded.

"Fine, whatever. I don't need you!" I yelled, stomping out of the room. I got just outside the dormitories doors before I broke down and started crying as I realized what I just did.

Reese came out a few minutes later holding a few bags. They were mine. Ryan came out just after him with more of them.

"I guess I'm really not welcome anymore am I?" I tried to say jokingly.

Both boys remained solemn and shook their heads no.

"Noted," I said hoarsely.

"You are going to live with me in my grandma's cottage until the end of semester," Reese said sitting down next to me. He dropped the bags and wrapped me in a hug.

We sat like that for a while until Ryan broke the silence. He cleared his throat before saying, "We should probably get going before it starts raining again."

I looked up at the sky and saw clouds closing in once again. I nodded and picked up some of the bags and we started walking. The whole time wondering if living in England was really worth it.
So that's the end of this chapter. I know it's short, and I know it's been like a gazillion years since I uploaded last, but I've been very stressed.

If you couldn't tell from the chapter, my life is beginning to get difficult and changing a lot. On the brightside, it's going to be getting better. For me and Riley.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter 20, no matter how short it was. I'll be uploading quicker from now on, hopefully.

Love and kisses

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