Chapter Sixteen-Answers and Parents' Day

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Chapter sixteen-Answers and Parents' Day

Sorry for the long wait! I had such a writers block! But now chapter sixteen is up! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! There's a little surprise in there for you peoples;) Enjoy!



"Yes," I squealed and kissed him. He fell backwards in surprise and I, in turn, fell on top of him.

"Whoa, spider monkey," He said laughing. He kissed me gently. I decided I should probably get up, my father finding us out here in a suggestive position again might not be as great as the first was.

I reached down to help him up. He grabbed my hand and I pulled back as he pushed himself up. I almost ended up falling down again.

"So, umm, what do we do now?" John asked nervously. As soon as he asked, my stomach growled. He chuckled and said," How about we get some breakfast?"

I quickly agreed.

We hurried to the lunchroom. People were everywhere; it took a while to get into the cafeteria in the first place. The line went all the way to the headmaster's front door.

"Why are there so many people here?" Riley asked as she stepped into line behind us. I looked around and noticed that there were quite a few older looking people here today.

"Must be parents' day," I said shrugging. I never really paid attention to it, considering my dad's the headmaster and my mom....

"Parents' day?" Riley said timidly, as if she didn't remember about it either. "Shit! I forgot to tell my mom!" She ran off quickly dialing into her phone. I watched her for a second, and then saw her face light up. She started sprinting to an older looking couple and hugged them both tightly. That must be her parents.

"Looks like her mom remembered," John said kissing my cheek. "And you didn't introduce us by the way."

"I didn't have a chance," I said turning around and kissing his lips. "But I will next time. I promise." I gave him a smile and started following the line. Which is growing considerately shorter finally. Thank God, because I'm starving!

"You better," He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. When we finally made it into the cafeteria, people were swarming everywhere like chickens with their heads chopped off and music was blaring from all around.

I glanced around to look for a place to sit, and caught eye of my oldest friend ever, and he was looking right back at me.

"Blaze!" He shouted and came sprinting towards me.


I sat up in bed and buried my face in my hands. It's parents' day again, and I'll be one of the few students without parents visiting. I bet even Riley's parents are here today. I don't even know if I want to get up and face the day, it's not like there are any classes today anyways.

Just as I was getting snuggled back into my blankets, my cell started ringing. I groaned and picked it up. The caller id showed Blaze was calling. Why would Blaze be calling me?

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I answered it.

"Where are you? Ry is looking everywhere for you!" She said  loudly. There was a lot of music coming from the background. Did they get a live band or something?

"Where are you? It sounds like you're at a concert!" I said, avoiding answering the other question. Why would Riley of all people be looking for me? Ugh, it's too early in the damn morning for this.

"I'm in the cafeteria; they got Daughtry to play today! Can you believe it? Daughtry!" She exclaimed. "Anyways, your girl is on the prowess looking everywhere for ya, better go find her!" With that the line beeped and it was silenced.

I quickly got out of bed and threw on some nice looking clothes and headed out. Since there's no classes, we don't have to wear our uniform. Which is a shame, Riley looks so sexy in it! I'm actually shocked that she doesn't have a line of guys waiting for her. Maybe they all just fear me that much, I thought smugly.

Pretty much as soon as I walked out of the dorm, I caught sight of Riley and her parents. My jaw literally dropped. She looked absolutely gorgeous today! Her long hair was flowing freely, and almost reached her waist since she hasn't cut it since the beginning of the year. She was wearing a simple white chest with a gold belt, that hugged her torso and flowed out like a balloon around her legs. It was honestly a short dress, it barely hit mid-thigh. I took a glance at her shoes and noticed she was actually wearing heels. That was actually pretty strange for her, but also somehow made her look more beautiful. Now I don't have to bend down as much as usual.

Don't get me wrong, I love Riley, but she is short! I don't see how though, because both of her parents are tall. They are almost like giants compared to her.

She looked over my way, and her face lit up in a grin. She has such a beautiful smile, I thought to myself, then smiled back and waved. I started walking over towards her and her parents, and they started walking my way. We met up within seconds.

As soon as she reached me she jumped in my arms and kissed me. Obviously she doesn't care if her parents see her kiss someone. When she pulled away, I wrapped my arm around her and looked at her parents. They were both smiling, like they've never seen their daughter so happy.

"Mom, dad, this is Reese," She said smiling. I shook her father's hand, but when I reached out to shake her mother's, she surprised me by pulling me in a huge hug. Almost squeezing me as tightly as Riley does.

"Nice to meet you," Her mother and father said in unison. Her mother pulled her away and said something to Riley that made her blush. Her father's happy face suddenly turned harsh as soon as we were alone. "Now, son, I hear you really like our sweet daughter, Riley. Which I am very happy about, you seem like a great guy. But if I hear about you breaking her heart? Or forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do? Your ass is mine, you hear me?"

I gulped and nodded quickly.

"Good, as long as you understand," He said. When his wife and daughter came back his gleeful look came back. "So where's the food at?" He said completely changing his tone.

Riley jumped on my back for a piggyback ride and pointed towards the lunchroom. "This way!" She said joyfully and I walked in the direction she was pointing. Every time the door opened I could hear the music playing from inside.

When we sat down in seats far away from the stage so we could talk, I couldn't help but feel extremely happy.  I might not have parents of my own anymore, but being with Riley and her parents makes everything worth it again. I felt like I belonged somewhere again.


So what do y'all think? Was it worth the wait? Oh, by the way, if you didn't guess it, it being mostly in Reese's POV was your surprise! I hope you guys enjoyed seeing his point of view throughout this whole ordeal! What do you think about Blaze and John's puppy love phase? Like? I think its down right adorable, but ya know, that's just me. It's your opinion that matters! Let me know what y'all think in the comments below!:)

I hope you enjoyed!

Love and kisses,


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