Chapter 19 Don't Trust Anyone

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Warning: contains violence, drinking and some bad things! Careful reading young wattpaders!

Enjoy me pretties!
*Riley's POV*

"You look sexy tonight!" Reese exclaimed, his words slurring slightly.

"Haha thanks!" I shouted over the blaring music. Right now they were playing some song by 5SOS. I took a sip of my margarita Reese's cousin was able to get us some booze since she is the only one working. The song ended and Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leopard came on. "Oh my God! I love this song!" I yelled getting up to dance. I took Reese's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

He walked behind me and put his hands on my hips. I set my hands on top of his and pushed myself completely against him. My hips started swaying to the beat and my hands were swaying in the air.

I could tell I was turning him on, because soon after we started dancing I felt something hard against my backside.

I turned my body around so I was facing him and put my hands on his chest. His hands found their way to my butt and he gently squeezed. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him teasingly on the lips.

As soon as the song ended, I leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. "Buy me another drink." He quickly nodded and headed to the bar. I went and sat down in one of the booths.

"Hey sexy," I heard a voice from next to me say. Someone had sat down and put their arm around my shoulders.

"Hey," I said smiling. I looked at the visitor and got really scared. It was a big man with a handlebar mustache and when he smiled back I could see disgusting yellow teeth. Several of them looked as if they might fall out any minute. "Who are you?" I asked nervously.

The man laughed and said, "Your dream come true, honey. I'm going to show you the best time ever!" As he said that his free hand came over and began caressing my right boob. His lips had landed on mine and his grip had tightened.

Next thing I knew his tongue was prying itself into my mouth and some of his fingers were going up the bottom of my skirt. He reached up and began pulling down my underwear and rubbed my most sensitive area.

When I finally was able to pull my mouth away from him, I felt something cold and hard against my temple just as I was about to scream for help.

"You scream and I will fucking kill you," he snarled. "Get up and walk out the back door now."

I did exactly as he said. My buzz faded and I was completely sober and terrified. The man followed right behind me.

"Get into that car," he said pointing to a big black van. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it to the point I almost screamed in pain. He shoved me in the direction of the vehicle.

With his free hand he opened the back door and threw me in. The last thing I saw was a fist and then blackness.
A while later I came to. All the memories resurfaced and I looked around at my surroundings. All I saw was white walls and my arms were chained behind me. I took a deep breath and screamed for help.

I heard a voice laughing and I turned my head to see who it was. "Nobody is going to hear you, you sexy little girl." His gaze dropped down and lingered over my breasts and I noticed for the first time I was completely naked. So was he.

In a flash he came over and jumped on top of me. Suddenly I felt a terrible pain and cried.

This man had taken my virginity.

*Ryan's POV*
I looked around the club desperately to find Reese, but he was nowhere to be found. The moment I saw Riley with that creep, I knew I would need somebody to help.

After trying for what seemed like forever, I gave up and started following them when they were leaving. There is no way that Riley would go with him willingly.

I rushed into my car and raced after them, careful to keep my distance so he doesn't get scared and disappear. I carefully followed them into the house.

He hit her in the head and her entire body went limp. He picked her up and carried her into a room while he started ripping her clothes off. He was moving fast, so fast that I couldn't keep up.

I stood outside the door they just went in and sent Reese the address for backup . I might hate the kid, but I do need him before I can do this. I can't do this myself.

I cringed the second I heard her scream. Please, please don't kill her! I felt a tear leak down. The front door creaked loudly and I thanked God when I saw it was Reese.

I nodded my head at the room they were in and he nodded. Lets go bitches.

*Riley's POV*
I screamed for help once again, but was only rewarded by a punch in the face. The whole world went black for a second. I shook the dizziness away and got ready to knee him where the sun don't shine.

The door slammed open and I heard voices yelling.

"Get off her you creep!" One voice said. I'm pretty sure it was Ryan, but the man is blocking my view. The second he moved away to attack them I blushed because Reese was there. When he caught my gaze he blushed too, but quickly composed himself so he could fight. I quickly pulled the blanket over my body.

Ryan landed a punch on the man and he almost fell over. He tried to hit Ryan back but was kicked in the face by Reese before he could. But then the man's fist connected with Reese's face and I cringed. Blood started flowing out of his nose.

Ryan snuck behind the man and restrained him while Reese punched him in the face several times. I saw the man's body go limp and he fell out of Ryan's grasp.

I pulled on clothes that were laying next to the bed. I quickly jumped up and hugged them both and started bawling.

So there's chapter 19 guys! I hope you enjoyed! It was kind of difficult for me to write this chapter because I have so much trouble writing in Ryan's point of view.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Love and beauty- K

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