Chapter 13-Love Maybe

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Sorry for the super slow update. I was going throguh a bit of a depression. i hope y'all don't hate me by now, or gave up on this story! Here's chapter 13! I hope you enjoy!


Chapter thirteen: Love Maybe


I watched silently as the other students filed into the auditorium ahead of me. Reese was standing by my side holding my hand. I smiled at him and walked with the line. We were going to a school meeting because of Jaxie's death. I found out last night that she was the one who was screaming her lungs out. She was killed by some guy.

Ryan claims that he isn't exactly sure who killed Jaxie, but there's a spark in his eyes that shows different. He looks as if he's ready to kill the man that killed her.

"You okay?" Reese whispered in my ear. I nodded, I didn't even notice that I completely stopped walking and was holding up the line outside of the door. Reese urged me forward and we found our seats. We were sitting next to Blaze, Ryan, and Parker. It's been a while since I've saw Parker.

"Hey guys," Blaze murmured as we slid next to her.

"Hey," I replied with a small smile. Ryan looked completely stone faced. It was impossible to read his expression at all. His eyes held a blank stare, and his lips were set in a straight line.

I heard the door slam shut and the headmaster started talking. "I am very grievous to tell you, we have lost one of our own last night. Jacalyn Mae Rymes has been killed last night outside of the gazebo." His voice hitched and you could hear a sob escape his lips and he continued," Let's have a moment of silence to remember Jacalyn 'Jaxie' Mae Rymes."

Everyone bowed their heads and the whole auditorium grew silent aside from a few sobs coming from her closest friends and relatives that had shown up. "Okay," The headmaster said to break the silence. "Classes will be closed for the next two days in order to help you all get over this tragedy. Jaxie's funeral will be tomorrow at 2pm. If you would like to be there, there will be busses to take you."

At that, he descended the stage and walked to an older couple. Probably Jaxie's parents. Both of them were sobbing, and a little girl was clutching onto a little bear. The students all stood up and began either talking or leaving. I glanced over to where Blaze and Ryan were, but they were both gone. I felt Reese's arms wrap around me from behind. "Do you want to get out of here?" He whispered softly and I nodded. The room started to feel hot and crowded, I wasn't sure if I could stand being in here anymore.

Reese took my hand and led me outside. I was met with a rush cold air as the door swung open. I shivered and he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. I smiled at him, but soon felt guilty when I noticed he was freezing now. He smiled reassuringly at me and led me to the girl's dorm room. We stayed in the dorm until the storm completely passed


I sat in pure silence after Jake left the auditorium. He didn't give a single hint where he was going, and I wasn't exactly sure where to begin looking in the first place. Mother's grave. As soon as the thought came to my mind I was out of my seat and speed walking to the door.

In the midst of my thoughts though, I managed to crash into somebody randomly out of the blue.  "Sorry beautiful," the boy said. I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked and embarrassed. This was one of the cutest, hottest, sexiest guys I ever laid my eyes on. He was staring at me and smiling. Oh my God his smile! It was one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen. I could feel my heart slamming in my chest and hoped to God that he couldn't hear it.

I tried to muster up some courage to say something. Anything at this point so he doesn't think I'm crazy. "It's kay," I said stuttering. Damn, what happened to all my courage? I usually never had an issue with talking to guys!  Maybe Riley can help? No, maybe not. She has her own guy problems to worry about rather than helping me with mine.

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