10 years later..

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Nearly tens years had passed since the Dursley's discoverd their niece and nefew on thier frout step. You wouldn't know they were any other childern in the Dursley home beside their chubby son and beautiful niece

but no one ever notice their nefew who was always treated unfairly but not for long. every morning Mrs. Dursley would wake up, get ready for the day, and head to her nicece, Capella's room to pick out her outfit and play with her soft brown hair, like today

"good morning pumpkin" she said gracefully walking into the room and going through the closet

"good moarning Anut Petunia" Capella said rubbing the sleep out of her eyes

"I can't belive Dudleykins is already eleven years old and soon so will you too. oh how time flies" Petunia said looking through the closet and pulled out a flower swing dress. ( )

Petunia brushed Ella's hair and left for Ella change into her dress. When Isabella was done she left her room when her cousin Dudley was jumping on the stairs annoying my brother. I rolled my eyes and headed down the stairs.

Dudley pushed Harry back into the cabort and ran into the kitchin as Ella helped him out and they headed into the kitchen. Petunia was pinching Dudleys cheeks as Harry began making breakfast as told and Ella sat next to Vernon who was reading the news paper.

"Oh, Pumpkin, let me help you with your hair" Petunia said. Ella sat still as her hair was pulled up in a half ponytail.

"Beutiful" Vernon smiled

"Oh she's the cutest hat to go with it" Petunia said walking over to the shopping bags

"how many are there" Dudley yelled looking at his brothers

"36, I counted them myself" Vernon said proudly

"36 but last year I had 37" Dudley yelled

"well this year have bigger presents" Vernon said

"I don't care how big they are" Dudley yelled once more

"I was gonna get more at the store later" Petunia said trying to calm down her son

"I got you something Dudley" Ella said sweetly giving a charming smile

"really, well I guess a few more gifts is fine" Dudley calmed down

"see it's going to be a good day" Petunia said

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