Crazy Morning

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I walked into the Great Hall, I idmentalty saw my old roommate Pansy wave me over. I small smiled and walked over to her until something grabbed my hand and pulled my towards something. I looked over to see Draco "where do you think your going?" he chuckled

"I was just going-"

"Hi Ella" Pansy said standing in frount of me

"Hey Pansy, how was your summer?" I responded

"good though I didn't see you yesterday to unpack our bags, what happen?"

"I-" "she got a new room arrangement" Draco interupted

"oh. Oh you must be Draco Malfoy, I'm Pansy Parkinson" she held out her hand

"pleasure" he nodded insted of taking her hands

"you never told me your friends with the Draco Malfoy, the heir of the Malfoy family" she whispered

"I-" "correction, Best Friends. Secound off, I noticed, you act as if your friends with her but you not once asked about her" Draco said

"Oh.. um.. I-I-" she stuttered

"Thought so. If you don't mind we'll be having breakfast together because I, unlike you, I like hearing about Ellie almost more then talking about myself. Even though I already know Ellie like the back of my hand, I still like learning about her. Now Ellie why don't you sit next to me" Draco said and I did as he also sat next to Marcus Flint, the Quidditch Captain.

Suddley an owl flew in and crashed on to the Griffindor table. I couldn't help but giggle with everyone else

"let me introduce your new defense against the dark arts teacher, me. Gilgory Lockheart, order if Merlin third class, honory member of the dark fource aginstly, and five times winner of witch weekely most charming smile award but I don't talk about that I didn't get rid of a band of banshies by smiling at them" I rolled my eyes as he smiled

"I think you have a much more charming and beautiful smile" Draco whispered in my ear as I smiled making me smile and blush a little. Lockheart look at me and winked as I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Now it's my job to arm against the foulest creatures known to wizards kind. You might find yourself facing your worst fears in this room not only will no harm will come before while I am here. I must not ask you not to scream because it might Provaoc them!" He pulled off the cloth on the cages reveling little blue creatures

"Conrus Pixies?" Flanagan laughed

"Freshly caught Cornus Pixies. Laugh if you want me Flingan. Pixies are known to be develishly tricky mightnts. Let's see what you make of them" he opened the cage door

Pixies flew everywhere as Draco and I ducked under the desk. Pixies flew everywhere tearing the whole room apart as Lockheart tried to tell at them but they didn't listen.

Draco grabbed my hand as we grabbed our stuff and we bolted to the door like everyone else. Draco smacked one of the pixes with a book that tried to grab my hair.

We got out the door out and down the hall then stopped when we rounded the corner out of breath.

"You okay?" I nodded not able to say any words

"Come on" he sighed taking my hand and leading see where

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