Our First Day

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Today was the first day, I woke up early before my roommate. I got up and went to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and hair and putting it up in a with a headband.I got dressed with a little difficulty with my tie.

then I grabbed my stuff and went down stairs while my roommate Pansy was finally waking up. I went to the common room, where Draco was waiting for me ready to go along with his other friends Crab and Goyle. Really buffy kids.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Good moring my friend, sleep well?" He said

"Indeed and you?" I said


He looked at my tie and chuckled

"I'm guessing you had a little trouble with your tie?" He chuckled and I sighed as he untied it

"Is it that obvious"

"Not at all but I'm here to help"

He tied it correctly and smiled.

We left for breakfast which was great, then after we recived our schedules we headed to our first class Transfiguration. My brother on the other hand was late along with his new friend and didn't even notice that the teacher, proffesor McGonagall was the cat on the desk.

We got through our first class every once and awhile Draco would help me in some classes. He would always make sure to sit next to me while Crab and Goyle were close by.

When we got to potions with proffesor Snape. Came in with a dramatic entrence. He told us he could us most impressive things he could teach us. Draco seemed proud of our house master and potions teacher. To me he seemed cool.

He picked on my brother for not paying attention, thinking fame got to his head. Asking him questions that i was secretly writing and the girl with fluffy hair kept rasing her hand for every question till she put her hand down when Snape told her to.

Snape sat infrount of Harry telling him the answers. Then announced to take notes. While walking back he looked at me like he was checking up on me but I didnt acknowledge. He tooken five points from Griffindor for my brothers cheek. Making Draco laugh quietly with his friends

Drco and I escort to great hall, we were sharing notes when owls came flying in, dropping off stuff.

"Its okay, this is how we our get mail" Draco saild and i smiled nervously

"When I was with my anut and uncle so many birds came just to drop off our letter"

"Why so many?" He said then caught his mail

"My uncle kept destroying the letters, almost went mad trying hide the secret were a witch and wizard"

"Sounds like hes an oaf" he said opening his box

"I guess.." i said grabbing the goblet to take a drink

He pulled out a small box and smiled

"Whats that?" I asked setting my cup down.

"Oh um nothing. Its nothing.dont worry, its um.. hair gel? Yeah hair gel"

"Well you hair is very nice" i smiled and I could have sworn I saw him blush.

We headed off to qudditch, we stood in two lines facing eachother. I stood next to Draco and Goyle. Madam hooch gave us intrusion to lift out brooms. Harry was the first. Draco and I caught ours together soon after making us secound.

Once everyone got it and Ron got hit the face with his broom. We mounted our brooms. Nevil then begin to take off uncontrollable till he got hung by two diffrent things falling down to the ground.

Madum hooch checked on him and took him to the hospital wing as we remain on the ground. Draco stepped infrount the group, infrount of me

"Did you see his face. Maybe if the fat lump gave this a squeeze, he would remember to fall on his fat arse" Draco said playing with the rememble

"Give it here Malfoy" Harry said sternly Drco turned around

"No. I think ill leave somewhere for Longbuttom to find" tossing the ba then flying in the air "how about on the roof" he said zooming passed everyone

"Whats the matter Potter bit beyond your reach? Draco teased. Hermione yelled at Harry not to go.up but he did anyways. Harry flew up then charged to Draco which he dodged the threw the ball. Harry raced after it catching it in time.

Everyone cheered exept our group till McGonagall came out asking for Harry.

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