Year 2

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"wake up sleeping beauty, we have almost arrived" Draco said and I sat up stretching my arms with a little groan.

"Hello beautiful" I rolled my eyes and reached into my bag pulling out a few makeup untistals that Petunia have giving me since I'm becoming a young women.

I added a bit of mascra and lip gloss. As Draco glared at me. I put my makeup a way and looked at him.


"You don't need makeup" he snorted

"You don't need hair gel" I clapped back

"But I do need hair gel"

"And I need makeup"

"Mkay fine you win this time.. for now" I smirked as he rolled his eyes

We left the train and I headed to my dorm with Draco. When I we got to the common room he grabbed my arm and took me into the hidden rooms.

"What are you doing"

"We got a private room duh"

"No Draco. you didnt-"

"I didn't my father did. Consider it a birthday gift." He said and led me to a door

"Here you are and I'm right next door as usual."

I dropped my stuff and hugged Draco "I don't know what I'd do without you. Your the greatest best friend a girl could have"

"It's no problem" I could hear his heart increase a bit but I didnt pay to much mind to it. When I let go he looked like he was blushing.

He cleared his throat "I'm gonna go unpack I'll see you in a bit" I smiled and noded

The room was perfect. Slytherin themed and some girly stuff. I squeled, running and flopped onto the bed. I let out a sigh then taking out my wand casting a spell to unpack.

"I see you had the same idea" Draco chuckled leaning against the door. I sat up and smiled

"Come on, let's head to dinner" he smiled and I took his hand as we left

Potter to Malfoy (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now