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I headed down to the common room where Draco and his other friends were waiting. "Ready?" Draco asked and I nodded

I had a black leggings on with a pair of rebel boots, and a dressy petticoat Anut Marge got for me. Along a slythein scarf Draco gave me.

I looped my arm with his, walking to the qudditch field stands. We watched the game, Slytherins v.s. Griffindor.

I saw my brother flying in the air, he was the seeker, meaning his job was to find the stitch but he was a terrible at it since I already found the snitch awhile ago. I watched it move around.

Harry finally found it and went after it.

Harry rolled over and spit out the snitch "GRIFFINDOR WINS THE MATCH" Draco sighed angrily placing his head in his hands. I looked at Crab and Goyle who looked disappointed along with the Slytherins.

I grabbed Dracos arm, he looked at me and I smiled. I "do you wanna go get some hot chocolate" I whispered, he smiled and noded.

We left the box and cotuine to the common room, Draco left for a bit when he came back he had two mugs hot chocolate. I smiled as I took the cup carefully.

We laughed and talked for hours as we drank hot chocolate. We knew more about eachother then ever.

"So what are you doing for the holidays?" He asked randomly

"Um well my brothers staying here so I guess so I am too.." I smiled

"Well.. why dont you come to my family manor with me, you could see my parents. I know they really want to know you better"

"Oh I-I dont know, im not really fancy or anything. I'm just plain"

"That's not true, your absolutely amazing and their gonna love you. Please, for me? I promise you'll have a great time, you won't be disappointed"

"Alright" I gave in and he smiled

"Great, go pack" he lightly patted my sholder "we leave soon" he said running out of the room and I laughed. I went upstairs and packed my stuff. I cant wait to spend Christmas with my best friend.

I headed down stairs when I ran into Draco. We laughed and headed to Great hall.

"Our lugauge will be taken care of while were away, after dinner we can be on our way" I smiled and noded

When we entered Great Hall I saw My brother sitting alone by the fireplace. I stood back up when Draco looked at me weirdly

"I'll be right back" I said bit Draco grabbed my wrist

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just gonna give my brother his Christmas gift" I smiled he noded then let go

I picked up the gift and when over to the fireplace, sitting next to my brother

"Merry Christmas Harry" I said handing him his gift he smiled

"Thanks but it's not Christmas yet" he said

"I know but I won't be here on Christmas"

"Let me guess, your going with Malfoy. He's not a great person, you know. I think he's corrupting you"

"Harry that's not fair! I dont judge your friends so why do you half to judge mine. He's my only friend and hes helped through a lot here. Sure he has his flaws but if you get to know him hes diffrent. Hes a loyal friend, he has ambitions, a little misunderstood, he's nice.. at least to me." I snapped but then quiet. I sighed

"Merry Christmas Harry" I said walking away

Where Draco was waiting for me with open arms. I ran into his arms and burst into tears as Draco soothed me

"come along" he said

Harry's POV

Ella walked away from me. I didn't mean to hurt her, I was just trying to protect her. we used to be somewhat close but lately i never really see her besides with Malfoy, who's always around her. I never get the chance to talk to her anymore.

He is protective over her but I couldn't care less anymore. Shes moved on and found better, a better friend. Her loyalties lay with him.

I just hoped she right about what she said about him. That he treats her right, being thier for her, support her, protect her where I can't.

It seems like he already does. But sometimes I wished she see the other side of him. The one i see.

Potter to Malfoy (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now