Flying Car

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I fished packing my trunk and closed it shut. When a house elf came in and took it down stairs.

I walked next door to Dracos room. Where sometimes I would usually sneak in when I'm scared or when he's lonely he would invite me to his room to fall asleep.

His door was wide open and his trunk was open, he must be in his bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Draco you ready?" I asked

"Yeah as soon as I fine my hair gel" I chuckled because i knew he wasn't going find it since I hid it on top of the mirrior

"Found it"

"Dang it" I cursed under my breath as he came out holding up his gel

"Nice try though I'll give you credit" I rolled my eyes

"Come along gel boy" I said walking in front of him

His mom gave us a hug and him a kiss and we aperated to 9 3/4. Which I've gotten used to aperating just take some time.

We got into the train, heading into a compartment with Crab and Goyle. I sat down and Draco sat next to me as I pulled out a notebook. I drew in my book quietly while leaning against Draco as he had his arm around me.

When I notice something out my preferble version. I looked at the window and saw a flying blue car, with my brother and his Wesley friend. I rolled my eyes.

Draco laid his head on mine causing me to look up at him since he grown a lot more then me over the summer while I barely grown an inch.

I looked at him as he smiled and I smiled back. Then I return back to my drawing. Eventually I fell asleep in Draco's arms around my shoulder.

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