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Hi I am the author,
I never like making small notes on my stories, but you guys deserve an explanation. So...
I am no longer writing in this story I haven't for a few years. I have discovered other characters started other stories. I have lost interest in Draco Malloy. his dad on the other hand... kidding

I tried to force myself to finish the story but I cannot sadly because I am no longer interested but I also wanted to tell everyone.

Thank you so much for the support I'm sorry it had to end this way but you guys really did inspire me to keep writing which is what I wanted to do for you but I sadly cannot. I have no idea, I'm writers blocked. I had a plan once upon a time but I don't remember. A lot has happen since then.

I apologize if I left you on cliffhanger or you really attracted to this story. I hated it when it happens to me which is why I decided to give an explanation and final end the story. But thank you for the unconditional support throughout this time. You guys are awesome
I wish everyone well. Drink water and stay magical my friends
- the author
P.s By the way a heads up the story my get deleted so if you like a chapter a part or whatever feel free to use it to continue your story.

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