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Hagrid walked us down to the train station but had to leave since he was late to see Proffesor Dumbledore, and Dumbledore trusted him with us.

We walked down to 9 and 10. Harry asked around but people thought he was crazy as I looked in between the walls.

Finally a red haired family walked by and I looked away when one of the boys ran towards the wall but no crashing After noise.I looked over and he vanished. Then a pair of twins ran towards the wall dispearig into the wall. Harry asked the wemon how to get on to the platform but it was quite obvious at this point.

She laughed and as she explain to my brother I ran towards the wall and braced for impact but nothing happens. I open my eyes to see kids around my age walking around. Finally my brother showed up and I guess his new friend.

We hopped onto the train and found a compartment. I sat across from my brother towards the window when the youngest red haired boy open the door.

"Do you mind if I sit with you the other compatments are full"

"No not at all" Harry said

"I'm Ron Wesley by the way"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter"

"You mean thee- do you have.. you know.. the scar" he whispered the last part my brother nodded and moved his hair showing his lighting bolt scar.

"Wicked" Ron commted

"I'm Capella Potter by the way" I said. He looked at me and his eyes widen

"You are very beautiful"

"Well thank you" I said and we hung out for awhile as the train went on its way.

"Anything of the trolly dears" a wemon said at the door

"No thanks I'm all set" Ron said pulling out a smoshed sandwich from his pocket.

"Well take a lot" Harry said pulling coins from his pocket.

As the boys ate tons of candy i ate a small amount. Harry asked questions while Ron answered all of them

"hey wanan see a spell my brother taught me?" Harry noded then a girl with butchy brown hair came in.

"have any of you seen a toad? a boy named Nevill lost his" we shook our heads

"are praticing magic, okay lets see it" she said and Ron clearned his throat

"mello yellow turn this fat rat yellow" he cast but the box fell of the rat but nothing else

"are you sure thats a real spell? well its not very good is it? I only tried a few simple ones myself but they all worked for me" she asked then sat next to me as Ron looked at Harry with a wired exspression

"for example, alex repairo" she said pointing her want at my brothers glasses as the tape unwind and the glasses stayed in place. Ron had a shocked look on his face as well.

"that's better isn't it?" she asked as Harry took off his glasses is a amaze

"Holy criket your Harry Potter then you must be Capella Potter." I noded "I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?"

"Ron Wesley" he answered with his face stuffed

"pleasure" she said disgusted

"you two should change into robes i suspect we'll be arriving soon." she said to the boys while I already had mine on. she got up to leave but came back

"you got dirt on your nose. you know that? it's right their" she said to Ron rubbing her nose then left as I giggled

Potter to Malfoy (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now