Christmas with the Malfoy's

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In the morning, I was awoken by a sudden weight on top of me.

"Get up sleeping beauty" I laughed "its christmas, come on"

"I still half to change, you know"

"I know, now come on hurry up and get changed" I smiled as I headed to the bathroom putting on a christmas dress that petunia gave to me with some white stockings with black buckle flat shoes.

I put my hair into a braided crown around my hair then meet in the back for a small pony tail. I finished up in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, then walked out of the bathroom as Draco entered the room again. He saw me and his eyes widen

"You look beautiful" I smiled and twirled around

"Thank you, and you look handsome" I said, he smiled then held out his hand for me to take

We headed down stairs, where his parents were waiting for us.

"Good moring" Narssica smiled

"Good moring mother" Draco said going over and kissed her cheek as Lucious was reading the paper

"Merry Christmas Mrs. Malfoy" I said giving her a hug

"Oh please call me Narssica, dear" I smiled and noded

Luscious checked his watched then sighed folding his paper and got up from his chair. "Merry Christmas everyone" he gave a small smile then left the room

"Don't worry dear, he's a busy man. Why dont you open your presents that were sent from hogwarts for you" she smiled

Me and Draco opened our gifts. Petunia and Marge got me more outfits, some of my friends got me some of my favorite sweets,

Draco got me stuffed elephant

"I got something for you as well" I smiled and got up. "Close your eyes" I added ans he did suspiciously as I pulled out a friendship bracelet.

I grabbed his hand and slid it on his arm. He opened his eyes and gasp "it's a friendship bracelet because you are my best friend" I smiled as he smirked and hugged me.

"Thank you" he said then let go "your my best friend too" I smiled and hugged him once again

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