Dragon Egg

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"Ellla! your never gonna belive what I over heard" Draco said rushing into the common room.

"What happend?"

"I overheard Wesley, Granger, and your brother Potter, saying something about an dragon of the big old oaf at the hut"

"you mean Hagird" I corrected

"yeah whatever, so do you wanna come?"

"tempting but i got to study"

"i'll study with you when we get back if you also hold my hand" Draco bribed

"Deal" I said taking his hand and walking out of the common room with him walking hand in hand to Hagrid's hut

"let's take a peep through the window, shall we?" Draco said guiding me to the step to see as he gave me a little boost with his hand even though i didn't really need it but it.

he stood next to me as we watched hagrid pull a rock out of the couldrin. as it hatched pieces flew all over the place as a tiny and a bit slimy but still cute baby dragon as we overheard his name, Norbert.

As everyone looked at the baby dragon Hagrid notice us and pointed us out but we sprinted back to the castle. As we ran Draco took my hand and led me to Proffesor Mcgongal as he told about the dragon and students out of bed

When Mcgongal caught them, they received to dentention and including me and Draco since we were also out of bed. Flinch escorted us where we would serve detention

"A pity they let the punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. god i miss the screaming" Finch said creeply as he walked us to were we would serve detention

we arrived at Hagrid's hut "you'll be serving your detention with Hagrid tonight, hes got a little job to do inside the dark forest

"A sorry lot this, Harid." Finch said sympathy until he notice Hagrid looked like he was still crying

"Oh, good God, man. you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Finch snapped at Hagrid

"Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony" Hagrid said

"well that's good isn't it. He'll be with his own kind" Hermione asked

"yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? what is the other dragons are mean to him? he's only a baby after all" Hagrid said worridly

"Oh, for God's sake, pull yourself together man. you're going into the forest, after all. got to have your wits about you" Finch snapped at Hagrid again trying to get him out of his slump

"the forest? i thought that was a joke! We cant go in their Students aren't allowed and there are..." Draco protested

all of a sudden a howl wolf came as Draco nodded to the sound. As Draco quickly grabbed my waist

"...werewolves" Draco finished

"there's more then werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that. Nighty-Night" Finch said walking away

"Right, lets go" Hagrid led us into the forest for miles and miles but not one or even noise was made. Hagrid made a stop infrount of a shiny puddle and dipping his fingers into it

"Hagrid what is that?" my brother Harry asked

"what were here for. see that? that's unicorn blood, that is. I found one dead few weeks ago. now, this one's been hurt bad by something" Hagrid said as their was then a sudden rustle of wind

"So, its our job to find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me." Hagrid cotuined

"Okay" Ron said cowardly

"Harry, you'll go with Malfoy and Ella"

"Okay. then i get Frank!" Draco said

"Fine, just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid said, I looked at the big dog as he had drool coming out of his droopy mouth, his eyes look as if they squint.

"wait until my father hears about this, this is servant work" Draco complained

"if i didnt know any better Draco, I'd say you were scared" Harry said

"Scared, Potter" Draco. Sundenly a rustle was heard again and we looked around

"did you hear that" Draco said but my brother and I walked away. Draco caught up and took my hand in his as we walked until we saw a unicorn and something with a cloak eating the poor creature

Draco and I screamed and we ran off with Frank. We got out of the forest and Draco set down the lamp on a log, turning to me and hug me. He seemed scared so I hugged him back.

He sighed then let go and taking my hand, "come on, let's get back to the castle" he said and we walked back

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