The Zoo

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After Petunia made Ella put on a white hat with a ribbion around it. They headed to the car to the zoo. Vernon warned Harry if theirs was any funny business he threatened he would be their till Christmas.

"I'm not going to do anything, honestly" Harry said but Vernon didn't believe him no one did but Ella who would question to believe him. The problem was all has happened around the sibblings like once Petunia went to cut Harry's hair and dye Ella's but when they got back Harry's hair grew back and Bella's dye came out in the shower

Ella had to sit in the middle since Dudley did not want to be anywhere near Harry plus she was the smallest even though Marge would say that she needs some meat on her little bones. Marge adored Ella enspecally getting her outfits and spoiling her.

they went to the reptile house. Their was tons of snakes witch made Petunia nervous as she kept her hand around Ella's shoulder as Dudley ran around. He then pressed his face against a glass staring at the largest snake in the place but it was sleeping.

"Make it move" Dudley demand, Ella rolled her eyes and Vernon banged on the class yelling it to move but still nothing then Dudley did the same but harder but he was soon over it and walked away as they went to look at another.

We walked back as everyone was screaming and yelling when we notice Dudley in the snakes glass. Petunia screamed as Harry laughed getting a glare from Vernon.

"How did you do it" Ella command softly helping her brother up as they got Dudley out of the cage

"I didn't, it just suddenly disappeared and he fell in the it reapeared kinda like.. magic" Harry explained

"Don't say stuff like that you know how the Dursley's feel about unrealistic things it will just get you more in trouble" Ella sassed

"But I didn't do it" Harry snapped back but then hands were placed on the siblings sholders looking up at the glares towards Harry. Vernon on Harry's sholders turning him around and heading to to the car. Petunia had arm around Dudley and she patted Bella's shoulder as they walked off to the car.

Getting home Harry was thrown into his cabort as Bella watched not feeling a bit of guilt.

"Don't worry Pumpkin he'll be fine" Vernon smiled at her.

"I'm not worried" Ella said turning on her heel and heading to her room.

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