Diagon Ally

435 10 8

We got into a train. Harry read off the list of items we need. We learned that Hagrid always wanted a dragon and I hope maybe he does.

We visted a shop and everyone greeted me and Harry friendly and proudly. some even couldn't help and greet us again. We also met one of the Proffesors, Qurill. I had a idemetaly bad feeling about him and he seem frighten as he constant stuttered but Hagrid said he has done a lot and that's why he stutterd so I guess I can't blame him

We went into a place with loads of stores but first we headed to a bank. Hagrid also had busisness he didn't talk about exept that it's a secret. We got to our vault and got our gallons and went to the secret vault as Hagrid looked sicked during the ride but I just hoped he wouldn't vomit on me.

After we got our books, couldren, e.t.c. We went into a rub shop where thier a young platnuim hair kid around me and Harry's age who looked dashingly good looking compare to any kid I ever seen. Harry got sized first as the boy asked him questions but neither me or Harry understood.

When Harry was done he left as I stepped up to get sized next. "I'm sorry about my brother, to be honest we are techanically are clueless about the wizard world" I said to the boy

"your not a mudblood are you?" he sneered

"pardon?" I asked

"you know muggle born, non wizard parents" he said

"oh no both of our parents were witch and wizard. We just weren't around the wizard world since they died and we were raised by our muggle anut and uncle" I said

"oh I'm sorry" he said as I noded with a sad smile

"but hey your the prettiest witch I've seen" He said and I smiled

"Thank you and you are very charming" I said.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he introduce himself

"My name's Capella Potter but please call me Ella" I introduce

We finished our sizing for our robes. He walked over towards me and held out his hand as I took it and stepped off the stool. He kissed my hand and smirked

"Hopefully I will see you at Hogwarts?" He said and I smirked

"Hopefully" I said grabbing my uniform. I walked out the store when somebody grabbed my hand leading me to the store 'Oliver's wand emporium'

"do you have your wand?" A voice asked and I turned to see my new friend

"My last item" I said charmingly sending a smile

"perfect" he smiled

We walked into the store as their was a women with half blounde and brown hair. She turned to us and smiled.

"hello Draco darling" she smiled

"hello mother, I'd like you to meet my new friend Capella" He said still holding my hand but using the other to present me

"Please call me Ella" I said holding out my hand polietly as she smiled and shook my hand

"Narssica Malfoy," she said

"Ah miss Potter I've been expecting you" a man said said

"How do you know who I am" I asked cautions

"I remember every wand I ever sold and you have a similar glow your mother always had. Now let's see" he said then return to that back bringing out a wand

"Give it a whirl" he said handing me a wand and I did as flowers petals blossom above me.

"intresting, did you know that both of your wands" the man pointed to me and Draco "are related, with the same core from the same place. Incredible, usually those who are destin to be soul mates" I felt heat to my cheeks as I looked at Draco "aw I can already see the bond between you too, Enjoy"

"Thank you" I said paying then leaving the shop and Draco walked with me out the door. A man with blonde long hair stood waiting.

"Father, this is Capella Potter. my new friend" Draco said proudly

"A Potter? How interesting?" He said with a eyebrow raised

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" I said holding out my hand making him smile and shake it

"Lucious Malfoy, very polite young lady, Draco" Lucious said and Draco smirked

I notice my brother walking towards us, "it's been a pleasure meeting you all but my brother-" I said polietly

"Eh Bella their you are! Malfoy's" Hargid said coming towards us

"I see you got your items we been looking for ya" Hagrid said complete ignoring the Malfoy's that glared at Hagrid

"Maybe she didn't want to be around people lower then her potential" Lucious said

Suddenly Hagrid and Lucious agrued and I rolled my eyes but then notice Draco doing the same. We looked at eachother then chuckled

"Well I'll see you at school, it was great meeting you Ella" Draco said

"Nice to meet you as well Draco" I held out my hand and he smiled insted of shaking my hand he kissed it making heat come to my cheeks.

The Malfoy's walked away after Draco turned around and waved at me as I waved in return.

Potter to Malfoy (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now