Slytherin's Rivial

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I promised Draco I would watch him pratice so I heading to the field. When I saw the Slytherin and Griffindor Quidditch team.

Draco walked up to face Hermione. "No one ask your opinion, you filthy little mudblood"

Quidditch team members charged at Malfoy but was held back. I quickly walked over to them. "Eat slugs" Ron pointed his wand at Malfoy and my eyes widen.

But it was reverse as Ron fell back. He looked like he was chocking on something, Turing pale. He turn around and threw up a slug. Gross

The Slytherin team laughed exept me. The trio ran off and the Gryffindor team stormed off. Draco turned around still laughing. He smiled brightly when he saw me.

"Their you are, you made it" he said and walked over towards me. The team and I walked over to the field.

"Draco, were you bullying them?" I asked

"Of course not, darling. They started things with me first. Don't worry about it, love" he leaned into kiss my cheek but I left his side to head to the stands.

The team started with warm ups so I open my book for a bit. Why do I read so much? I read to learn and become more aware or acknowledge of things.

I used to read a lot about my parents or some about Voldemort, but I would get sad thinking about my parents so Draco gave me some books about Slytherin, Magic, and some of quidditch. Right now I was reading the book about Quidditch, when Draco saw me he smirked

After the practice, Draco came up to the bleachers and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Ella I'm sorry about what happened today. It's nothing personal, its just Gryffindor's and Slytherin's don't get along. Since the begining. We're just diffrent from them"

"So it's natural?"

"Exactly, see nothing to worry about, love" I stood up, turning towards away from him

"What would I do without you?" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. "I ask my self the same question everyday about you" he laughed

"Come on, I'll show you how to ride a broom" he laughed grabbing my hand before I could object

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