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During breakfast, after the qudditch class. Harry got a nimbus 2000. Me and Draco looked shocked. Aprently he made the qudditch team despite being a 1st year.

I shrugged then Draco looked at me. I got nervous. "Can you belive your brother is breaking the rules"

"No. But yesterday he did really well flying the broom. " I said

"Well I am much more experienced," he sneered

It wasn't hard to point out he was jealous. But it still didn't make any sense of how he got it.

"What about you, think you can be good?" Flint asked me. He was the qudditch captain.

"Um I don't think so, I don't even know how to fly a broom" I replied

"I can teach ya, promise" Draco volentered and I smiled

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