The Truth

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I did not question the letter as my brother Harry did. Vernon was being nice to Harry, even gave him Dudley second room Dudley on the other hand was not happy was room was taken away but its not like we need it since we're getting to old for toys.

As for me, Vernon has been giving me sweet little surprises every day. Day after Day Vernon has gone mad, as letters were appearing some how everyday but Vernon would just destroy them.

Finally it was Sunday, Petunia was braiding my hair into one as everyone was sitting around. "Sundays my favorite day of the week, why's that Dudley?" Vernon asked but Dudley just shrugged

"because theirs no post on Sundays" me and harry said in a usion

"right you are Ella" Veron proudly said taking a cookie "no post on Sundays, HA"

Suddley their was a rustle everyone looked around and letters flew down through the chimney, door, everywhere. Petunia let go of my hair as she jumped up and her Dudley held each other in fear. I looked down on my lap and notice a letter with my name on it as my brother stood on the coffee table trying to catch one. 'idiot' I thought

Harry grabbed one and ran to his cabort but Vernon grabbed him. "pack your things, we're leaving so they don't find us" Veron yelled turning purple.

"Daddy's gone mad haven't he" Dudley yelled as Petunia pulled the letter out of my hand that I already forgotten about and pulled me close to her

I started packing and Petunia started to help me when she was done with both her and Vernon's. Dudley tried to take every technology he could't live without but Vernon said no. We traveled for miles and miles in silence. We didn't stop to eat or drink all day as Dudley howled he was hungry and missed his programs as Isabella just tuned him out reading her book 'to kill of a mocking bird' she got from Marge.

We finally arrived to a dock and got out of the car leaving all of us. He then came back with a package and a smile on his face. "alright everyone out of the car." he said and we did gathering our stuff and heading onto the boat that a creepy looking man lend us to use. It storm but Vernon rowed us to the middle of the ocean where their was a old house that looked ugly and in terrible shape.

We got out, getting our stuff, and headed into the house. We got ready for bed and Petunia just had to braid my hair into pink tails, She only did it when she was stressed but I hated it because not only did it take forever but I also looked really bad with them. Vernon and Petunia slept in the room, I slept in spare room with the small bed that didn't fit Dudley so he slept on the couch, and my brother on the floor. I was revolted by the whole place that I used my own pillow and blanket but I still felt disgusted.

I got up and grabbed my brothers birthday gift, a nice lucky rock. It was pearl color with a silky smooth surface touch. I snuck down stairs as my brother was drawing in the dust 'Happy Birthday Harry'. I walked up to him and sat beside him giving him a smile. Then Dudley's watch went off for twelve a'clock. Our elevth birthday.

"Make a wish Harry" I said sweetly

He quickly wrote my name and "you too" i smiles and we blew on the dust. Suddley their was a large bang, Dudley sat up, Petunia and Vernon with a gun came running down stairs, and Harry grabbed me and we hid behide the fireplace. Then the door was pushed off his hienges as a man with stepped in the house. He had a bushy beard and hair that covered alomost his whole face. He was huge with a bit tattered clothes and a coat with more pockets then you can count.

"sorry about that" the stranger said kindly and picked up the door putting it back on its heiges.

"you need to leave, your breaking in and entering" Vernon said bravely

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