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She was sitting in her room, numb. it was midnight now, and she just sat and listened to music. tears threatened to spill over. she started sobbing. and the worst of it is she couldn't explain why she was so terribly sad.
She fell asleep eventually.
She was running, six inch boots and her wig and two piece on .the chituari pulled her down and slashed her stomach and she gurgled blood . she was fading out and-
He heard her whimpering, then sobbing,
"No,no PLEASE!"
Loki ran down the hall, and scrambled to her room.
She was having a nightmare.
She was fidgeting now, and Loki shook her,
"Annabelle wakeup, it's just a dream, annabelle."
she gasped awake with wide, tearful eyes.
" Nightmares huh" he said.
"Do you wan-"
" No Loki,"
He stood to leave, but she grabbed his arm,
"Will you stay with me?"
"Sure, yeah sure." He replied
He laid down beside her, and pulled her close. she lay her head on his chest. he wrapped his arm around her bony middle.
"Thank you."
She drifted off, but Loki lay awake thinking of how sickly she was beginning to look.
Sallow cheeks
Hip bones
He needed to act fast.
... She woke in Loki's arms, she pried her from him and grabbed her dance shoes,and headed to the dance room.
... Loki woke alone.
He knew where she went, her dance duffle was missing.
He slipped down to the dance room, to find her on pointe.
She looked solemn in the mirror as if she knew her health was diminishing.
He said, "you need to start eating Annabelle."
"I need to lose a bit more Loki,"
"No," he said. he walked towards her, and grasps her hands and says,
"Do you see how sick you are?" he took his hand and traced her ribs, Annabelle watching his actions in the mirror. he moved to her hipbones, then collar bones, and vertebrae.As he did this her obese self image came crashing down, revealing her sickly form. she let out a sob and faced away from the mirror, horrified.
She was facing Loki, and she was letting her tears fall freely. he embraced her, and she sobbed into his leather clad chest. Loki even shed a tear or two, knowing reality hit her, and now she was left vulnerable.
"Come on now, let's fix this hmm? Let's start little by little ok? Little more food each day. It will be hard, love but you can do it."
"Ok" she answered.
She unlaced her shoes and put her bag in her room.
She asked if Loki would like to record with her some time. he said yes.
He brought up breakfast, and they ate together on the hardwood floor of her room.
He slowly got the three healthy small portions in her. she wasn't bulimic she wouldn't and couldn't handle puking.
The avengers wondered where the two disappeared off to.
Natasha came into her room.
"Hey Loki. Annabelle, you as little red are going to a press conference with stark over the "new hero". we need to get you ready."
"Ok nat." she replied
She looked to Loki who stood next to her, he could tell she was worried about how she looked, and the rumors that would become top gossip very quick.
He nodded, understanding what she meant by the look in her eyes.
"May I accompany Annabelle to this conference?"
"Uh sure Loki.. you'll need a tux. but right now I need to figure out Annabelle, and what she'll wear.
Loki walked out leaving a panicked annabelle.
"What dress size are you?"
"Uhh 00" she answered quietly, "but even that's loose."
"Bra/ bust size?"
she blushed. " I don't really have, umm a bust. but I'm most likely AAA or AA."
" Are you ok with stuffing?"
She turned red, "no"
"Alright I'll see what I can do. You do good hair and makeup so I'm not worried about that, get into a robe and do hair and makeup prep first while I find a ansemble for you."
"Ok" Annabelle squeaked.
She was in a state of panic

Loving this more and more!! I have all this planned out. before it was kinda draggy because writers block but I have all these ideas I'm going to use!! I pondered at one point if I should even keep writing, BUT one of my readers ZoellaLmao ( waves at her grinning cheekily)

pushed me to keep writing! These past two or three chapters are my favorite. (so far!)
Super thankful for the support!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks loves!\*^•^*/

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