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Loki took a flight back to New York and soon the next day, was back at the tower
They all turned to loki, surprised by his appearance and why he was there.
"Annabelle has been taken by the jotuns, and Thor I need you to gather our friends on Asgard and tell Odin that they violated the peace treaty. avengers gather your gear for battle, and be prepared for the harsh weather, for you could get frost bitten."
Everyone immediately got up and began to prepare.
Thor eventually came back with sif and fandral. all the friends gathered together and were soon ready to depart to jotunhiem.
Loki called up, "hiemdall! Take us to jotunhiem!
And they were off.

On jotunhiem Annabelle was stripped down to her bare back, (besides the binding wraps around her chest.) and was whipped and mocked, then thrown into a cage for the days Loki was gathering the avengers and asgardians.
Loki was trying to find a way to convince his acquaintances on Asgard and the avengers to help him get Annabelle back during this time.
Thor , sif and fandral, along with the avengers were gathered to leave for jotun hiem and soon arrived in the middle of a beating. Their presence was not known yet and many, either teared up or turned away at Annabelle's wails. Loki just watched the blood cascading down her back, and hearing the whispers between beatings, of which she said, "he'll come, he'll come" and soon his eyes filled. they all soon jumped in action Loki first yelling, "ANNABELLE!"
He swooped in picking her up, and wrapping a blanket around her, while the avengers were holding the frost giants off. Thor gathered the group, Annabelle in Loki's arms and we're off through the bifrost, hiemdall cutting off the jotuns end, to prevent any Midgard invasions. All the acquaintances were put in their specific realm quickly and soon Loki and Annabelle returned to the beach on Hawaii soon after. Loki sprung into action taking her into the bathroom and asking politely but quickly he asked if he may remove her wrappings to clean the wounds. (now if you didn't know Annabelle prefers to bind her chest instead of a bra.) she nodded but embarrassed because of her lack of bust and assets.
"Loki it's fine but I'm afraid that because of my lack of -"
"Shhh it's ok, the lack of erm bust allows me to be closer to your heart.dont ever be embarrassed or humiliated by what your natural beauty gives."
He then proceeded with hast to remove the binds and wash the still bleeding wounds, taking care. he picked Annabelle up and dried her light frame off, then binding her chest and wounds. he then put her in one of his t shirts. as he was helping her dress he thought, "now is a good time. it's right. now than never."

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