The Cause..

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in this world everyone has 1 demon. It lives within them.
This demon is responsible for the lashing out,extreme depressive thoughts, and general negativity.

If people let it get out of control it can take over.
It's obvious when someone's demon has taken over

If it was while they were sad their eyes turn a dark shade of blue.
If it's while they were mad their eyes turn a hyper pigmented red, as if they're glowing.

The issue with this is once a demon takes over it has control over the person's body, anything can happen...

Trigger warning for this story.
If you aren't comfortable with suicide, mental issues, or anything of that DO NOT READ.

And if you personally are struggling with these things remember we are all here for you and if you need help to please get some. Don't even contemplate suicide alright, you are loved, it's okay to have bad days, weeks, and months but don't let it destroy you.

This takes place the second year of them all going to UA.

And now let's get into the story


Rain could be heard littering the ground.
Izuku Midoryia was sitting on the rooftop of his high school, UA.

He had achieved trying to get to his dream but...

At what cost?

Hot tears streamed down Midoryia's exhausted pale face as he let the rain soak him.

Izuku Midoryia-
A quirkless teen that managed to get into UA without a quirk.

Due to having no quirk class 1-A had taken a..

Disliking to him.

Flash back-

Crimson red blood trickled down Midoryia's forehead as he sat on the warm pavement getting beaten by none other than Katsuki Bakugo and his squad.

They all spat nasty remarks at the green headed teen who just sat there helplessly.

No one blinked an eye, it was a normal sight. Teachers even gave up trying to step in because no matter what they did the group wouldn't stop hurting Midoryia.

You may be wondering, why not expell them?!

Well you see, in this rigged hero society the only thing they're worried about is how strong the quirk is.

Due to the group having exemplary quirks and good fighting skill UA just "couldn't afford" to lose them.

Midoryia on the other hand was a quirkless, he "wasn't as valuable".
A sick way to think.

Flash end-

Midoryia held a notebook underneath his shirt.
He didn't want it to get soaked, he had plans with this notebook.

He had filed everything the class had done to him in that notebook. He wanted them to have it, to read it.

Once he was gone.

The teen was obviously injured, he sat in a tiny puddle of watered down blood that was spreading she to the rain.
It was his own blood that had seeped from his body.

Bakugo was to blame.
His squad had beaten poor Midoryia half to death yet again.

A chill ran down Midoryia's back as wind whipped his wet hair and body.
His eyes were so lifeless, looking into them you could see his shattered soul.

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