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"And to make it worse...

We're underground." Demon Izuku sighed.

"Dang it you're right.
I hardly have enough energy to muster out demonic power...
Is it because of that drug they shot me with?
Ugh" Midoriya mumbled.

Suddenly the metal door creaked open, Midoriya looked up at saw Tomura Shigaraki and Dabi.

"Shigaraki" Midoriya spat, his voice dripping of malice.
He hated shigaraki with a burning passion, after all of what he had done to the school,Eri, and world he hated him purely.

"You're So hostile for the one under my control" shigaraki laughed.

"Who were you talking to?" Dabi asked.

"Hm whatever.
Well now, brat.
It looks like my master has taken an interest into you and so you'll come with us" shigaraki sighed, disappointed.
He wanted to kill Midoriya for the fool he made him out to be last year.

"I don't want to meet your MAsTeR. Let me go" Midoriya hissed.
"Back to UA?
Heh, where they all bully you.

What are you? A sucker for pain?" Dabi scoffed.

"I don't care if they bully me, I want nothing to do with you lot."

"Well too bad cause the boss wants to see you and we can't just defy him" Dabi said, walking up to Midoriya and injecting him with some kind of serum.
This serum numbed him entirely, he wouldn't be able to move...

He removed all the chains and dragged Midoriya out, letting him skid on the ground.
He took him to a dimly lit room where he was tied down again.
Dabi and Shigaraki left.

"Hm from what I can see there's a faceless man sitting in the darkest point of this room.
Looks like that guy all might fought and lost his job to" demon Izuku sighed.

"All for one.
The leagues boss, why would he want to see me out of all people.

That doesn't matter, I need to escape" .

"Well. Well. Well.
Izuku Midoriya is it?

I've heard something quite interesting about you" AFO chuckled as he walked out of the dark and faced Midoriya.

Midoriya remained silent.
"You somehow got a quirk after you tried to kill yourself.

But of my hundred years living here I haven't heard of a case like that, usually the person has to die before that happens in any case.

But you never died, you were just Injured to a coma.

But then again, it's not the first time you've been in a coma and all those times you've woken up you still didn't have a quirk.

So what was different?

Then add on the fact your sensei can't cancel your quirk, quirk mats can't hold your quirk back, and those quirk cancelling cuffs don't work on you.

So what exactly is your quirk that other quirk cancelling things don't work on it? What's so special?"

Midoriya didn't know how to respond, he just began to nervously sweat.

"And that's exactly why I brought you here.

I'm going to see if I can steal your quirk.
It's so powerful and it would be a nice added collection." AFO began to walk up to Midoriya.

"He can't steal your power so this might become an issue when he finds out..." Demon Izuku whispered.

AFO put his hand on Midoriya's head and tried to steal his power...
But it didn't work.

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