Who are you!?

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Well let's just say I've trained in situations like that before" Midoryia said.
He wasn't technically lying, it was just a really vague answer.

"You've trained without your quirk in a forest before?" The announcer asked.

"I guess you could say that."

"Wow you must be really striving to be a hero, great job!!
Everyone give a round of applause for haru Kuro for winning this year's event!!"

The crowd clapped for Midoryia as Midoryia was handed a check of the reward money.
The other winners were also handed the money but they didn't get the same amount as Midoryia.
They got an amount based on where they ranked amongst the top 5.

After that everyone was taken back to their homes.
The dorms.

"I'm so glad that week is over.
And with this money I can upgrade my room, get new clothes, and buy a new phone!

Then later I can go to Mei and ask her to make me a hero outfit." Midoryia thought to himself as he crashed onto the couch.

The rest of the class went to their rooms to take showers, they needed one after being in the forest for the week.

Midoryia opened a portal and went to his room to get freshened up as well.

"Can you NOT portal away without a warning, you straight up drag me whenev you go over 12 feet away and it's not a nice feeling" demon Izuku groaned.

"Just return back to my head if it's such an issue" Midoryia said as he got dressed.

"I do most of the time.
However the times I'm NOT could you give me the warning so I can prepare??"

"Fine, chill"

What do you plan to do with the money?"

"I'll get myself a new wardrobe, new phone, and set my room up differently."

"Ooo can I have your old phone?"

"Uh why?"

"So I won't be bored, duh"

Let me get myself a new one first"


The next day-

Midoryia was chilling in the mainroom, it was already evening. The day had passed by quite fast.

Suddenly a paper airplane hit the back of his head.
Confused he picked it up and found that it had a note saying to open it up.

He opened up the airplane and found a written note.

"Meet me outside at ground beta tonight, 9pm don't be late."

"Who's the note from?" Demon Izuku asked.

"No clue".

He looked around the room and found he was the only one sitting downstairs.

He checked the time, it was 8:30pm.
"Whoever this is wants me to meet them in 30 minutes.
I better get ready" Midoryia sighed and opened up a portal.

"I am going into the portal, Izuku" Midoryia said as he walked in.
Demon Izuku quickly followed behind, not wanting to be dragged again.

Midoryia grabbed a better mask, the original mask he was wearing was loose and he only wore it in the dorms.

He also made sure his contacts were freshly changed.

After he waited 30 minutes, he opened up a portal to ground beta.

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