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"Deku...?" Bakugo whimpered.
Bakugo ran to the window that he noticed was wide open.
No one was in the room, no one was at the bottom.

"Somebody help!!" Bakugo screamed as he ran down the hall.

Nurses came Running at Bakugo and pushed past him to Midoryia's room.
There they found no one, just an open window and Missing clothes.

"This is a code yellow!! Everyone search the premises he couldn't have gotten far!" A nurse yelled as she ran out the room.

Bakugo stood there in utter shock.
He didn't even know how to react.
"Someone kidnapped Deku?? But why!?


The windows aren't broken and from how high of a level it is no one could've just climbed up.
Not to mention the windows are impossible to open from the outside...

He couldn't have woken up and left himself...
He was too damaged to even wake up not to mention if he did wake up he'd be unable to move!" .

Bakugo ran out with the nurse's as police and investgators made their way inside.

30 minutes go by and...

The investigation came out with a surprising result.

"From what we conducted...

Izuku Midoryia woke up out of the coma himself and jumped out the window...

However he clearly didn't attempt to suicide again since there isn't even a trace of blood or a body at the bottom of the window so...

He ran away" Tsukauchi said.

He was sitting in a room with a couple heros, the class, Inko and Hisashi Midoryia, Aizawa, and nurses.

"But he showed no signs of waking up for the next couple months and even if he miraculously woke up it would've been impossible for him to move" a nurse interjected.

"We don't know how it happened either but it's no mistake.

He's run away.

We don't know where to but we can use whatever thing has his smell on it to hunt him down using our dogs.

So offer things up so we can find him asap, from what the nurses described. If he shouldn't be able to walk or move yet he somehow has and managed to escape it means he's over exerting himself.

He can die.

So hurry up!"

"The hospital sheets he laid on smell like him!"


"You did it. Good job. Now you need to find a good place to stay, if you stay in an alley way your bound to get caught before noon"

"I know, I know. I just don't know where to go and I'm exhausted and in pain." Midoryia groaned.

He was speaking with the demon, since they share powers and a body he's able to speak with him directly in his head.

The forest would be a good place to go.

You could use the mud and trees to mask your scent and from there I can teach you how to use the powers.
I haven't exactly explained what my powers are but when we get to that point I will.

You can't sit around here for too long from what I sense they're already beginning the search.

Pull up your hood and GO"

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