Hidden in plain sight

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Midoryia knew the school couldn't force him to remove the mask. Shoji was the perfect example of that.

He walked up to the gates of UA and asked the guards to be allowed to apply.
They nodded their heads and guided him to the office where he filled out an application, changing his name and identity entirely.

"In order for you to get to class A you'll have to fight one of the teachers here to see if your capable enough. Understood?"

"Yes sir"


Will Shouta Aizawa please come downstairs for testing?" He announced.


"Right now Kuro, this guard will take you to ground beta where you'll be tested for the spot in class A.
So far anyone who's applied has been denied so don't put your hopes up too high. They're still searching for a student even though he was declared dead"



Midoryia followed a guard to ground beta where he found Aizawa waiting.

"Why are you wearing a mask and hat?"

"The mask is for personal reasons, my face freaks people out.
The hat is just because I was cold"

"Alright then.

I'll be testing you, I want you to go all out. Go all out."

"Yes sir"

Aizawa led him farther into ground beta where they then began.

"Your objective is to fight me to your max, I'll decide if you're able to come to class A based on where you'd rank amongst the other students there"



Midoryia charged at Aizawa, Aizawa put his hands up ready to block a frontal attack but Midoryia tricked him.
He jumped over him, grabbed his shoulders, and swung him around to the ground, slamming him very hard.

Aizawa was stunned but got up fast and charged at Midoryia who blocked his side attack and punched his stomach.

Aizawa tried to kicked his legs but Midoryia jumped over it and kicked Aizawa's chest knocking him off balance and making him fall to the ground again.

"He's good and not even using his quirk.

Maybe his quirk is being strong"

Aizawa charged at him again and tried to punch him but Midoryia grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, kicking his back, sending him forward and still holding his arm.

He pushed Aizawa's arm into his back and pinned him against the ground.

"You're done" Aizawa groaned as he got up.
Midoryia had gave him quite the beating.

"Your fighting skills are good, but I didn't see any demonstration of a quirk.
What is your quirk?"

"Oh my quirk?
It's called aura. It lets me use this dark stuff and make it do a lot.
I thought this was a test of physical strength so I didn't use it" Midoryia lied.

He didn't want to tell Aizawa that he had demonic power.


You've passed.
Welcome to class A.

You'll be taken into the Dormitory system so gather whatever things you have and come back tomorrow to get your dorm set up.

You'll be going to class's regularly here"

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