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Edited 12/15/22


Resting your hand on the wall you kick off your snowy boots at the wooden door you sigh and let the door swing shut. Your eyes trail over to the dancing light in the fireplace.
You live alone, a secluded cabin and in the snowy forests of Enderia. The only company you seem to have any more is your cat, Sut. Her dark glossy coat is nicely lit by the light of the fire where she lay on the floor before it.
Stepping up to the back of the couch you unclip your cape and let it slip to the floor.
A loud rumble fills your ears as you begins undoing your armor. Taking off the chest plate and looking down you see Sut winding around your legs. Smiling brightly, you reach down to gently pet her before standing to take your way towards your room.
It's dark as you walk up to the corner between the bed and closet where the armor stand sits in wait. It's old wood is dark and slowly rotting away, just like the rest of your home. Nevertheless it stays in upkeep.


Below you zombies groan and the clacks of bones can be heard. It's too dark for you to shoot at them now so you pack your bow on your back and turn to go back inside.
As you turn a loud familiar voice startles you.
"Boo!!" Jon screams.
Stumbling back you watch as he laughs, slapping his hand on his knee. "Oh, oh! You should have seen your face!" He exclaims.
Shaking your head you walk past him to go back inside, bumping him on the shoulder as you go. "Asshole." You mutter.
He chuckles as he follows behind you, sliding down the ladder with you. Landing with a solid thud you turn to walk Sut to her food bowl.
"Door Jon." You remind him. He spins on his heel to kick off his know covered boots alongside yours.
"Happy to see me?" He asks as he undoes his cape and hangs it on the rack beside the door.
"Not really." You retort with a smug grin.
Jonathan is a visitor, he always has been. You met him a few years back, an old traveling partner from before you settled down. He's a talented swordsmen and quite popular in the town below.
"C'mon, don't be so rude. It's been weeks since I last saw you. Thought I'd make sure your house wasn't burnt down too."
Pouring Sut's food in the bowl you stand, your brows are furrowed in confusion and you look on in wonder.
Ever since he took on sheriff's helper he's been stoping by to warn you of petty thrives and what not but this-this was different.
"What?" You urge him on.
Running a hand through his hair he shakes his head. You notice now that there's bags under his eyes and black scorch marks beneath his chin.
"Jon, what happened?" You ask as you step up to him. Your eyes are softening with worry as you cup his face to tilt it back.
"An arsonist." He states blandly. "I was burned while trying to save the townsfolk a few nights ago. The culprit is hiding around these parts."
Letting his face go you frown. "Tell me more while you take off that armor. C'mon." You take him by the hand and lead him to the guest room. While he takes his armor off you search the bathroom for swabs and disinfectant.
"So the queen asked me to hunt for him. Apparently he's been an issue for a while now. He's got the new hell of a bounty on that head of his." He muses as he steps from the bedroom towards the bathroom.
"What's he look like?" You ask. Patting the closed toilet lid, he sits down on it. While he speaks you tilt his head backs and rub away at the marks.
"He's not very tall, he's got law length blonde hair, a green and white striped hat, and wings."
Avians aren't unheard of but there's not many left from what you've heard. Most avians are born beneath a sacred God. She gives them large, powerful wings in different shapes, sizes, and colors.
"Hello! You heard me?" Jon takes you from your thoughts with his hand waving in your face. Lifting your other hand you swat him away and wipe the last of the burn clean.
"What was that about?" He asks. There's a pause before he speaks again, a glint in his eye when you look up at him. "Have you seen him?"
You shake your head and throw away the swab. Taking the disinfectant you screw the cap back on and lean over to place it back underneath the sink. "Trust me I would have remembered if I did." You say.
Jon hums as you stand and shuffle your way back to the livingroom where Shut sleeps on the couch. He follows close behind and takes his seat in the chair beside the couch.
Moments later he stands from his seat with a grunt. You watch him as he walks past. "What're you doing?" You ask. He grumbles back to you. "Going to sleep. Been searching for the guy all day."
You hum. "Oh, okay. Goodnight."
He lazily raises his hand in a limp wave. "Good night."

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now