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Phil's hand squeezed yours tightly. The sun high in the sky and snow underneath your feet you waved to Techno.
"Bye Techno, I can't wait to see you again soon!"
techno gave a lazy smile and wave, "Yeah, soon."

Phil chuckled, "Goodbye mate, stay safe."
Techno nodded to himself, waving you off and making his way inside. Turning to Phil with Soot in a carrier you smiled up at him.
"Ready love?" He asked.

You nodded firmly, "Ready."

Lifting you into his arms Phil spread his wings lifting you off the ground and flying away. Leaving the past behind.
The past three months had been a long journey but one that was worth it in the end, between being stuck in that same old house and traveling the world this was so much better in comparison.
It all started with him at your door step asking for help, if not for that you wouldn't be here right now.
There was a conflict at first but his truly good nature shone through your initial vision of him.
Phil wasn't some scum who flew around setting things ablaze for no reason, he did it because it was a passion. Later on you would come to have this passion as well. Your dreams of traveling far and wide finally being put to rest.

It was years later that you remembered a key question from when you met that was left unanswered.

"Hey Phil?"

Phil looked back at you, his hands idle in front of the fire trying to keep warm.
You scooted beside him and leaned on his shoulder, "You never answered my question, what's it like to fly?"

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now