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The grey clouds above loom over the area. The forest surrounding the house seemed bleak. Today was the day that you give him to the authorities, but a guilty conscience lurked in the back of your mind. The nervous feeling made you tap your heel of the floor and stare at the wooden walls in silence.

Phil watched you. His wings twitching to move towards you and pull you into a hug. He knew he would be overstepping boundaries if he did that.

"You okay?" He questioned.

You hummed before looking. "I don't want to give you in,"

Phil furrowed his brows, "Why not?" You bit your lips for what felt like the hundredth time today. He was a good person - kind enough to not leave even when he could have - he didn't deserve what he had coming.
"I just-"


Dread filled your body. You could hear Jonathan's knuckles wrapping at the door. "Hold on!"
The adrenaline began to pump through you. "Go to my room, hide,"
Phil looked at you confused, "Why?"
You shoved him off the couch and to his feet.
"Jonathan will take you in, go."

Realization struck and he nodded eagerly, rushing into your bedroom and hiding away with his wings surrounding him. Every movement you made felt shaky. The nervousness only began to spread.
Gripping the brass handle you turned it and opened the door to see Jonathan. You smiled.

"Hey, good to see you!" You said, leaning forward you gave him a hug. His armor cold against your heated skin. "Good to see you too," stepping back you allowed him in and shut the door.
"How long you gonna be here?" You asked. Rolling on the balls of your feel and picking at the hem of your cape. He tossed his belt over the back of the couch and sighed. "you trying to kick me out early, you hiding something?" He elbowed you softly with a prominent smile on his face.

"Nah, just fine,"
Jonathan nodded, "Well that's good. How you been?" He plopped down onto the couch. Tossing his boots underneath the table. With a sigh your grabbed his armor. "I've been good, let me go out up your armor, I'll be right back."

He nodded. The small thumps of your boots against the wood faded away. Opening the door to the spare room you hung the armor and cracked open your bedroom door. Slipping through you whispered for Phil

He pokes his head out of the closet. "Yeah, mate?" Leaning down you whisper into his ear. "He's gonna be here for at least a day, please don't get caught." He nods. "I will don't worry," furrowing your brows you nod and stand making your way back out into the Livingroom.
Jonathan looks back at you with a sly grin, "Took you long enough," laughing nervously you sit down beside him and lean back, your fingers intertwined as you press your thumbs together.

There's a silence that leaves you biting your bottom lip. Nervously glancing back at jonathan every once in a while. He stares at the dancing flames. Lips pressed into a thin line, the edge of his nose pink from the weeks worth of travel to get up here.

"Yeah, was just petting Soot," you answer. Jonathan nods and leans his head back, closing his eyes and sucking in a deep breath.

"How was the trip?" Standing you walk into the kitchen and begin to make yourself a cup of warm tea to calm your nerves.
"It was tiring, if you don't mind I think I might go to bed," standing with a grunt he makes his way back into the guest room. Hot on his tail you lean against the door frame.

"Why are you following me?" He raised a brow and looks at you. Shifting your weight, you look to the side. "Just came to wish you good night. Sleep well."
Jon nods reluctantly. "I will," stepping back you close the door and make your way into your own room.
Setting the tea down you shut the door and slid to the floor.

"Holy shit,"

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now