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Techno lowers his sword, "Good to see you mate," a smile creeps onto Phil's face. "Good to see you too?"
Techno cranes his neck to see the ropes tied around Phil's wings.
Techno takes off his mask, "What's up with the binds?"


Your head snaps over, "Go, go, go, go!" You shout. Jonathan rushed Techno. Techno raises his sword blocking the blow from Jonathan. Shoving him off he knocks the sword from his hands. The metal flies through the air landing next to you. Grabbing the handle you pull it out and run over to Phil.

"Stay still."

Cutting the rope from around his wings it falls to the ground. Phil stretches, his wings spreading wide behind him. Closing them he turns to face you, "Thanks,"
With a smile you nod.

Techno stands over Jonathan with his sword at his throat. A scowl on his face. A long scar trails down from his eye to his jaw line. The blood drips down onto the snow beneath him. Lifting his sword he steps away and sheaths it.

"The cabins a days travel away, are you up for the walk?" He asks and slips back on his mask. Phil looks at you, "It's up to you? Would you like us to drop you off and leave?"

You looked back at Jonathan who still laid on the ground recovering from shock. "I see no point in going back, they're just going to find me and take me in." You turned to Phil, "Probably him too,"
Phil smiled and looked at his pink haired friend. "Are we ready?"

You nodded.


You whipped your head around to see Jonathan.
"You can't leave I won't let you!" He yelled. You blinked, "How are you gonna do that?"
He lowered his head, his shoulders shaking as he laughed. "I'll kill myself,"

Picking up the sword you caught and dropped he held it to his stomach and looked you directly in the eyes.
Phil pushed you behind him, "Stay there,"
Your heart dropped. Jonathan wasn't like this, you knew he wasn't. No matter the bad shit he did to you, you would always love him the same.

Walking in front of Jonathan you wrapped your hands around his. "You're staying?" His reaction was genuine you knew, but this had to end. Someone would have died regardless anyway.

"Thank you for visiting me." You lowered your head and squeezed your eyes shut. "What?"
The squelch of blood made you grimace, you could feel it on your face. His gasps and chokes plagued you.
Removing his hands from under your he grabbed your hands and moved them off the handle.
"You're welcome,"

It came over you like a punch to the face. Every week he would visit you when no other would, he would laugh and joke with you, warn you about potential threats. He had a good heart but his mind was else where, this wasn't the same Jonathan you knew. He was changed by the people he swore to give his life for.

Letting him fall into the snow you lifted your head and took a deep breath. You open your eyes, the tears slowly falling down your face. It was time you moved on and let go of what chained you to the ground.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now