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As soon as the sun rose you were back on your feet again with Soot perched on your shoulder and Phil behind you.
Jonathan walked in front of you, the sun silhouetting his form. You squinted your eyes from the brightness of the sun bouncing off the snow around you.

You squinted ahead of Jonathan, the outlines of a forest coming into view. Surely the sun's blinding rage would be shielded by the trees.
You lowered your hand, gently resting it over your stomachs s it grumbled.
Looking back up at Jonathan you cleared your throat.

"You don't happen to have any food do you?"

He paused and rummaged through his bag. Grabbing a piece of bread and chucking it at you. You waited for him to give you another one to give to Phil but he never did.
"What about Phil?"
Jonathan glared back at you both, "Look, you're lucky I'm even letting you both live, let alone eat my food. Don't push your limits." He bitterly hissed and passed you another loaf of bread to give to Phil.

Turning around you placed the bread in Phil's hands and began walking again. As you are you picked off pieces of bread, feeding them to Soot. She purred lovingly in your ear.

Neither one of you said anything for the majority of the walk, occasionally asking Jonathan for something or muttering to Phil.
When night settled in Jonathan set up camp for himself. Starting a campfire and pitching a tent.
Unchaining you both from his wrist he chained you both to a small pole he stuck in the ground.

Honestly a stupid choice on his end. There was nothing stopping you from lifting the link and walking away. But you stayed anyway, sitting in the dark beside Soot and Phil. The combined warmth of the three of you was enough to keep you warm.
With a sigh you laid your head on Phil's shoulder.

He looked down at you, a grown on his face. The urge to cover you with his wings was so strong yet he couldn't even budge them. So instead he reached over and linked his hand with yours. The warmth of his hand against yours surprised you. You stared down at your hands, the heat on your face growing with the warmth in your chest.
The butterflies filled your stomach, making you hide your face in the clothe on his arm.

The fabric smelled of smoke and char, a smell you expected from him but not to smell good. It was a nice smell, it fit him.
"You good?" Phil asked, his heart fluttering at the sight of you hiding your face.

You looked up at him. "Yeah, just cold." You glanced off into the distance. A small him from Phil before it fell quiet.

The feeling of his hand against yours was nice. It gave a sense of comfort that everything was going to be ok, that if anything happened you had each other's backs.

You broke the silence as you watched Jonathan climb into his tent for the night.
"Do we have a plan?"

Phil looked down at you, gazing back up at him you pointed at the pole. His gaze followed where you pointed. You could see it in his face, the exact moment that it clicked in his head what you meant.

"Observant," he muttered to you.

You hummed, "If he uses it again we may be able to possibly escape."
It was a wide open road with many paths to go down, so many different way that it could go.

"Yeah, you got a plan?"

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now