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Sluggishly walking into the kitchen you're greeted by Phil. He pours himself a cup of coffee. You give him a grunt of hello and he nods in response. It had been a quiet week. 5 The tension between you and him seemed to lift. It was nice to get that off your chest and out of your lungs.
"Sleep well?" He asked.
You sleepily hummed and poured yourself a glass of tea. Idly stepping over to the cat's bowl to pour food. Soot's loud mewls enter the room as she bounds over and rubs your leg. Happily purring away making you smile.

"Today" you take a sip of the tea "We are going to the nether," Phil raises his eyebrows. "What for?" "Netherite,"
He nods.
Walking over to the couch you set down your glass on the table and make your way back to your bedroom, changing and coming back out. "Again you'll be coming with me," Your gaze is stern as he looks out the window towards the clouds. "Fine by me,"

You prepare for the journey. Getting suited up in your netherite armor and grabbing your sword, shield, and pickaxe. The netherite hangs off of your frame heavily. With a sigh, you leave your cape hanging on the back of the couch.
"Ready?" You look up at Phil. He slides his ax into the strap on his back. "Yep,"
You nod and open the door. "Let's go,"

The black obsidian stands out against the snowy biome. The purple illuminates the snow around the portal. A low ominous hum sparks the atmosphere. You look back at Phil. His hand idly rests on the handle of his sword.
You look down at it and back up at him. "What?"
Shaking your head you wave him forwards and step into the warm grasp of the nether.

Nausea washes away quickly as you set foot into the humid environment. Piglins snort from afar and the lava bubbles far below. You sigh.

A small overhang of netherrack caught your attention. The soul sand scattered around it singing in weeping tones.
"We'll start over here," you say and begin to make your way towards it. Quietly obeying Phil follows. With the time that he had been here, you expected him to say something more given your first meeting.

His company became nice, you enjoyed it thoroughly but his silence bugged you. You decided against saying anything about it and decided to spark a different conversation instead.
It was pleasant but short-lived.

Sweat dripped off of your forehead as you mined. Your chest heaving with each strike. Your thirst was beginning to grow. Striking your pick in the netherrack you wiped your forehead and walked out into the open. The lava illuminated the roof above and the mobs around you.
You, sucking in a deep breath, shouted go your companion "Going back to get water!"

Phil's head popped out from the hole he created. His bright hair stuck to his head. His hand in his hand and his wings pulled away from his back.
"That would be appreciated,"

You dipped your head as a parting and stepped through the portal.

Grabbing the bottles you filled them to the brim before making your way back to the portal. The warmth clung to your skin again.
A ghast 's scream makes you flinch and leap out of the way. The flames shoot directly past you and into the portal. The crack of the obsidian makes you flinch.

Unclipping the shield from your back you wield it before you. Reaching to the handle of your sword and pulling it out.
"Phil!" You shout.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now