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The sun shone up above, beaming down on the four of you. Here you found your self feeding both your cat and yourself. Pride swelling in your chest with every glance back at Phil. That excitement in the bottom of your stomach growing with every thought.
To kick the mission into full swing you'd have to wait until the cover of night fall.

It wasn't long before you reached the forest line. The trees towered above you. Their evergreen leaves covered in snow, leaving a ghostly feel to the atmosphere.

At sunset again, the trip stopped for it's short pause. Jonathan setting up his tent and campfire, chaining you to the same ople before and sitting down to cook his steak.
Quietly you waited, sitting by idly, watching.

The closer it got the more anxious and excited you began to feel. A tingle starting in the tips of your fingers. Looking up at Phil you could see the excitement in his eyes, if not he was probably just as anxious as you as well.
Moving your hand you slipped it into his and intertwined your fingers. Phil gazed down at you.

"Something wrong?"
You shook your head, "Nope, just that before the fact anxiety you know?" He nodded his head and squeezed your hand reassuringly.
"Don't worry, if something goes wrong we'll have each other,"

Jonathan stood, throwing the remainder of his steak into a container. Setting it to the side he climbed into the tent and laid down.

The adrenaline started pumping into your veins as you stood and walked over, lifting the chain from the pole and walking back to Phil's side. He stood, looking down at you and nodding.

"C'mon." He ushered you over to Jonathan's bag. Grabbing it he sifted through it. You stood on watch, keeping an ear out for if Jonathan moved.
The night was quiet, only for a moment before the sound of footsteps send you into a small panic.

"Someone's coming!" You whisper yelled and tugged at Phil's jacket. He was quick to stand and run into the cover of trees. In his hands he grasped the back. Kneeling down to continue to sift through it in search of a key.

The footsteps neared, sending your heart into a rapid beat.
"Got it!" Phil exclaimed, the key was grey, the same color of the chain that bind you. "Your wrists," he motioned. Reaching out your wrists he grabbed your hands and unlocked them. The tight metal falling into the snow silently, rubbing the ache in your wrists away you watch Phil unlock his on chains.

Turning to run you were stopped my a glowing sword threatening a slit throat.
The pig mask on his face concealed his identity. A red cape draped over his broad shoulders. his glowing red eyes glaring at you they shifted to the companion on your shoulder and then to Phil. A silence filtered through, you glance back at Phil.


FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now