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The wind blows around the corner of the house. Your cape wrapped amply around your shoulders you dig yourself deeper into the couch.
Phil sips a cup of coffee beside you, Soot's soft purring filling the room as he makes biscuits in Phil's lap.
Ever since yesterday the air had been unfamiliar. Thick with an emotion that was to hard to describe. Not uncomfortable, just quiet.
You found yourself often thinking about the person behind his arsonist facade.

"Do you have family?"

The fires warmth blankets the room. Keeping you both comfortable in one another's presence. Phil's blue eyes catch the dancing flame in the fire place, creating dancing shadows on his face. He looks at you. His pink lips agape
You look at him bewildered. "You don't?" Phil shakes his head softly. "No,"
You sigh, "What about friends?"
There's a glimmer in his eyes that catches your attention. A certain look on his face than seems like yearning and worry.
As he sucks in a breath his chest rises.

"Yes, I do," He stares out the window. His blonde hair messy from not having fixed it the night before. "Are you gonna tell me about them?"
You didn't want to push on his personal life too much. Making him nervous or uncomfortable wasn't your goal. After yesterday you certainly wanted to get to know him.

"Yeah, I will." Phil leans forward, setting the glass of hot coffee on the table. "His name is Technoblade." There's a fondness in his gaze as he stares at the dancing flames.
"He's an old war buddy of mine. His fighting is like any other I've ever seen. There are legends of him everywhere. Most people know him as the blood god,"

His stories carried on late into the night. Plenty of laughter and smiles where shared. At the end of it all you sat comfortably with smiles on your faces.
"How's your arm?" You asked. "It's healed I'm pretty sure, it's sore but it won't kill me,"
You smiled, "That's good,"
"Yeah," Phil sighed, "I'll be leaving soon I guess, you'll be turning me in,"

You had forgotten about having to turn him in after it was all over. You didn't know him well but you could tell that he was a amazing person. He was a soft soul truely. You enjoyed his company, the social clock never seemed to run out around him. The end is inevitable, the clock never stops ticking; not even for a god.
"Yeah I will, we can start getting ready tomorrow though, we can leave the morning after," you bit your bottom lip, a pang of guilt in your stomach.

Phil elbowed you softly, a small smile on his lips. "Don't feel so bad about it, you're just doing what's right," His face seems reassuring, a scarily calm gaze is his blue eyes.
You bite your lip again.
"I'm gonna call it a night," phil's smile falls as you stand. Eyes glued to the floor you walk back to your room in silence.

Now that you knew who he was you knew it would be hard to let go of his kindness. An ache in the back of your mind left you restless, tossing and turning until you found yourself sitting in front of the window watching the snow fall.

It would be a long night.

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now