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"Jonathan you have it all wrong, please just listen to me." You begged. If he would just listen to what you have to say you could show him the flaws of the government and show him that they are corrupt but that was just a stupid fantasy you made up in your head.

"By order of the royal guard I'm taking you both into custody."

You looked up at Phil, his eyes were trained in front of him. He was relaxed, like he was giving in. Letting himself be taken. However he seemed tense, dead set on something. You just didn't know what.
When he looked down at you, you knew; he didn't plan on running away.

Phil was first to be handcuffed. Jonathan grabbed a rope and tied his wings to his back. The grunts of pain that escaped Phil made you anxious. This was a side of Jon you didn't want to see. He was always so kind and sweet, now it was like it wasn't even him.

Jonathan's hands roughly grabbed your wrists, tying them together and linking your shackles to Phil's.
"You realize what your doing right?" You muttered as he walked past.
He paused, "Taking in a traitor, yes."
Lifting your head you looked him in the eyes. "The government is flawed, are you that blind," "The government maintains order,"
"The king doesn't do deadly fucking squat for us, and neither does the government!"

A loud smack rang out. Your cheek turned red from the sheer force of him slapping you. You endured however and glared up at him. His face was red hot with agitation. "You dare speak of the king is such a way,"
Phil snickers beside you.

"At least we aren't assholes with fucking money shoved our asses." He paused, "Oh and did I mention stuck up."

The shade of red his face burned was laughable, but you found yourself in awe watching as Jonathan stomped back to the spare room to collect his items.
"Where did that come from?" You asked.
Phil looks at you, a small smile on his lips. "A place of pure anger and hatred."

He had experience with governments before, you knew he didn't favor them. After a while you started to find yourself adapting that same mentality.  He opened your eyes to just how flawed it all was.
From the stories he had told you, you knew he had to have a plan.

Opening your mouth to ask him you were rudely interrupted by Jonathan walking back in and pulling you both outside. The snow against your skin felt like needles. You weren't properly dressed, your best guess would be 48 hours before the hypothermia kicked in.
You shot Phil a glance, he knew what you were thinking and went to wiggle his wings in suggestion but was only reminded of his painful predicament.

Looking at Jonathan you shifted on your feet, he connected the chain to himself and looked back, staring you directly in the eyes. "What?" He hissed.
"If you don't want us to die within 48 hours I suggest you either grab us capes or free his wings."

Jonathan grumbles quietly to himself as he walks back towards what will most likely be your abandoned home. In a jumbled up process of thoughts you remember you have a cat.

"Soot!" You call as Jon drags you into the house and searches for your cape. Bounding out of your room Soot jumps into your arms.
With the faded lavender fabric in his hands he turns to see you holding the cat. His face drops.
"We are not bringing the cat."

You glare at him, "Well since you wanna be suck a fucking asshole you prick how would you like it if the love of your life up and left and never came back?"
He opens his mouth to say something but stays silent and clips your cape onto you.

"This is going to be a long 5 days."

FERNWEH // C!Philza x reader (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now